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Unit 1.4 Europe.

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1 Unit 1.4 Europe

2 I. European Life leading up to 1492
A. Life in Middle Ages (1000AD) in West. Europe 1. Feudalism- system of interlocking loyalties in Medieval Society

3 Roman Catholic Church most powerful governing body b. Kings & Queens divided kingdoms into smaller units run by Nobles or Lords c. Lords protected by lesser nobles (knights) d. Most of population in low class

4 2. Villages (Manors) lived like separate islands
a. Manors completely self-sufficient b. No connections between manors c. All land owned by lord or noble d. Manor dwellers (low class) called serfs

5 1) Farmed land & maintained roads
2) Bound to land 3) Not allowed to leave land w/out lord’s permission 4) Simple homes & furnishings 5) Food & clothing had little variety

6 B. Why life in Western Europe began to change?
1. Due to wars a. Muslims (followers of Islam) invade Europe 1) Islam grew out of Middle East in mid 600’s

7 2) Mohammad -prophet who began spreading
word 3) Spread from ME thru North Africa & up into Spain b. Christians angered by Muslims 1) Muslims had captured Holy Land (Jerusalem) 2) Christianity banded manors & people together

8 c. 1095 Pope called for WAR against Muslims to regain lost land
d. Wars became known as “The Crusades” 1) Christians & Muslims fought for 200 yrs 2) Crusades helped increase trade

9 2. Knights learned new more
comfortable ways of life a. Spices (pepper, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, & ginger) b. Soap & to bathe more often c. New medicines & dyes d. New fabrics & silks

10 3. Italian Merchants carry Eastern goods to
Europe a. Increased demand for goods & improved trade made road improvement necessary b. Towns would eventually develop around marketplaces

11 4. Travelers’ tales awaken
European interest in Asia - Marco Polo tells about the wonders of Asia 1) 17 yrs old from Venice Italy 2) Gone for 24 years ( ) 3) Stories fueled interest

12 5. The Middle Class Develops
a. Increased trade & travel gave people opportunity b. Became merchants, moneychangers, & artisans- skilled workers (shoemakers, weavers, bakers etc) c. Gave them more power & a voice in how they were governed d. Feudalism was weakened- alliance to monarchy remained e. Nationalism- love for & loyalty for one’s country developed

13 6. A New Age ( ) a. Great changes caused people to question old thinking b. Renaissance (rebirth)- Period in Europe when people began to explore new ideas & make important scientific discoveries c. Art & Literature also greatly affected by new way of thinking

14 7. Inventions & Improvement Make long ocean
voyages possible a. Before Crusades people barely traveled b. Reading & writing mainly done by priests (latin) - W/ more interaction & exchange of ideas the need for reading & writing increased

15 c. New instruments aid Sailors 1) Compass developed for direction 2) Latitude & Longitude system was developed for location

16 d. New Method of Printing invented
1) (1440’s) - movable type made printing quicker & easier (300 pgs per day) Johann Gutenberg 2) Helped spread ideas & document travels for others to follow & build upon a) st printed book = The Bible

17 8. Power of the Church Threatened
a. Accessibility of the Bible showed that Christianity simple b. Made people see that Church had become too big & rich- began to break away c. Further strengthening each Nation’s Monarchy

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