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Delivery Performance System DPS

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1 Delivery Performance System DPS
Published by Vendor Operations Discussion Document

2 What is DPS The Delivery Performance System (DPS) is a web-based application enabling on-line monitoring of vendor supply chain performance, compliance, and appeal management.  This system allows users the ability to view supply chain infractions as they occur, appeal the infractions within the designated timeframe, and query backup documentation if an infraction converts to "Billed" status and becomes a chargeback. 

3 Getting Started inDPS Accessibility:  It is the responsibility of the vendor's Security Administrator (SA) to assign access rights to the Delivery Performance System through the Vendor Extranet as these privileges are NOT managed by Toys"R"Us.  Please review the DPS Access Instructions manual to begin the assignment of access rights to Vendor Users Manuals / Guides:   Each designated user of the Delivery Performance System must review and understand the attached Navigation Manual & Enhancement Guide, prior to using the Delivery Performance System.  Manuals are located within Section of the Domestic Vendor Guide accessible via

Postings:  Weekly, deliveries for the previous week are measured for performance to supply chain standards.   Should non-compliance be identified, infractions from the previous fiscal week will be processed and made available for review within DPS.    The typical posting date is Monday of each week. Partner Review Period:  The vendor has 14 calendar days to review the infraction after it has generated to submit an appeal with the mandatory supporting documentation located in section Vendor Appeal Matrix of the Domestic Vendor Guide which is accessible through the Vendor Extranet at * Failure to provide supporting documentation will serve as immediate grounds for rejection for any appeal TRU Review Period:  Upon receipt of an appeal, the TRU Vendor Performance team may have up to 14 calendar days to research and respond with a decision Rejected appeals will result in the validation of the violation and non-compliance NO APPEALS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE APPEAL REVIEW PERIOD HAS EXPIRED. BEST PRACTICE : Toys”R”Us does not issue notifications of new violations found within DPS so please ensure that a rhythm is established to review DPS on a regular basis to prevent auto billing.

5 DPS Timing Calendar -Infraction Generates (Generation will always occur on Sunday) -Vendor time frame to Review & Appeal (14 calendar days from infraction generation) -Vendor Operations time frame to review appeal (14 calendar days from appeal date) **INFRACTIONS NOT APPEALED WITHIN 14 DAY TIME FRAME WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY BILLED AND NO LONGER CONSIDERED FOR REVIEW

6 Accessing DPS After access has been granted by the account administrator, Delivery Perfomance System (DPS) will appear in this area, under Application Links.

7 Vendor Dashboard Dashboard screen provides a quick overview :
New- Infraction that were generated within the most recent Sunday update. And have yet to be viewed. Reviewed- Infraction that have been opened by a Vendor Extranet User. Awaiting Response - Appealed Infractions that have been sent to the Vendor Compliance team for further review. Responded to in the Last 14 days- Appeals that have been completed for review by the Vendor Compliance team

8 Searching Infractions within DPS
Vendor Name Searching by Infraction ID- Infraction ID is represented by a 7 number ID. For example, Searching by Chargeback Reference ID- Chargeback reference ID is represented by the three character prefix, followed by two 0’s and four other digits. For example, ASN

9 Searching Appeals within DPS
New Vendor Searching by Infraction ID- Infraction ID is represented by a 7 number ID. For example, Searching by Appeal ID- Appeal ID is represented by a 6 digit ID. For example,

10 SUMMARY OF CHARGEBACK PREFIX CODES VISIBLE IN DPS: Deductions including the prefix of APT, ASN, ETA, ITC, ITV, CVR, & GS1 represent non-compliance to our Supply Chain programs. ASN: Represents non-compliance to TRU’s ASN expectations. A valid, error-free ASN is expected prior to receipt of goods. APT:  Represents non-compliance to appointment expectations – either LATE or NO SHOW  ETA:  Represents non-compliance to delivery standards which include fill rate and delivery non compliance ITV:   Represents non-compliance to item verification expectations where a verified item was found to have discrepancies exceeding our tolerances and product has already been actively shipped. ITC:   Represents non-compliance to item verification expectations where an item was not verified prior to receipt at the DC CVR: Represents discrepancies in FOM routing submissions where the carton quantity sent on the ASN differs from what was confirmed in FOM GS1: The information stated on the ASN is not an accurate depiction of the expected unique GS1 carton ID’s, or cartons arrived that were missing individualized GS1 carton tags. NOTE- For further information on infractions, refer to Vendor Introduction Presentation.

11 Filtered Infraction Searching
Vendor Name Filtering Functions Time Frame- Represents infractions generated within a specific period of time. Infraction Status- Allows you to filter based on pending status of the infraction (Billed, Appealed, Waived, New) Reason- Filters based on the type of infraction being searched for (ASN Variance, Delivery Non-compliance, ETC)

12 Infraction “Status” New- This infraction was generated within the most recent Sunday update. It has yet to be viewed. Reviewed- The infraction has been opened by a Vendor Extranet User. Appealed- This infraction has been sent to the Vendor Compliance team for further review. Waived- The appealed infraction has been found invalid, and the charge has been dropped. Billed- The infraction has been billed to the vendor. It will be deducted from the next available invoice. Infractions in this state can no longer be appealed systematically.

13 Tips & Tricks Review DPS weekly to see review any newly generated infractions Always attach supporting documents. If file is to large, supporting documents should be ed to vendor Additionally, in the appeal comments “Supported documents ed to VC” should be notated. Appeal only once all supporting documents have been gathered. (i.e. comments should never state “supporting docs. Pending/ sent shortly etc.”) Do not use special characters in Appeal Comments (i.e Do not wait until last possible day to appeal Review the Domestic Vendor Guide monthly for changes.

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