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Rochelle F.H. Bohaty, William P. Eckel, Katrina White, Dirk F. Young

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1 Rochelle F.H. Bohaty, William P. Eckel, Katrina White, Dirk F. Young
Standard Operating Procedure for Calculating Degradation Kinetics in EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs August 14, 2014 Rochelle F.H. Bohaty, William P. Eckel, Katrina White, Dirk F. Young

2 Purpose of the NAFTA Degradation Kinetics Project
To standardize and automate calculation of rate constants for environmental computer model input in U.S. and Canada Find best approximation to a first-order fit Applies to all metabolism and abiotic environmental fate studies For single decay only (parent or total toxic residues - TTR) Not for formation and decline of degradates

3 Guidance Documents “Standard Operating Procedure for Using the NAFTA Guidance to Calculate Representative Half-life Values and Characterizing Pesticide Degradation” (Nov. 30, 2012) “Guidance for Evaluating and Calculating Degradation Kinetics in Environmental Media” (Dec. 21, 2011) Process is for Model Input, not “Descriptive” kinetics One-year evaluation of SOP during 2013 – 2014

4 Equations Used in NAFTA Guidance
Single First Order (SFO, 2-parameter) Indeterminate Order Rate Equation (IORE, 3-parameter), not its mathematical equivalent FOMC (Gustafson-Holden) Double First Order in Parallel (DFOP, 4-parameter) SFO, DFOP, IORE based on same differential equation: dC/dt = -kCN All results in terms of C0 = initial concentration; k = rate constant; N = exponent; f = fraction of C0 subject to DFOP k0

5 Decision Tree yes Is SFO fit acceptable? no Use SFO yes no
Is IORE trep< DFOP slow half life? Use IORE trep Use DFOP slow half life

6 Rejecting SFO: SSFO vs. SC
If SSFO < SC , then SFO is chosen SSFO and SC are residual sum of squares SC based on SIORE 50% confidence bound (N vs. k) is used for comparison Sensitivity analysis shows that choice is not sensitive to the use of 50% bound

7 50% Confidence Region N k 50% Confidence Region 4
When N=1, First Order Model N 3 Sc 2 First Order Fit (N=1) 1 k

8 Software to Implement Guidance (Not Mandatory)
“pestDF ”, based on MS Excel & R 3.1.0 Calculates equation fits and operates Decision Tree First, decides if SFO fits data (SSFO < Sc) Otherwise, the “representative time,” tR is chosen from the shorter of DFOP second half-life or IORE (estimated DT90/3.32) Implements interpretive rules from evaluation period

9 Evaluation Period Results
Mostly (>80%), pestDF worked as expected (> 50 datasets) Some parameters were out-of-bounds (0 < f < 1) (k > 0) (N > 0) Fits with out-of-bound parameters were difficult to interpret Some IORE fits returned results (N < 1) less conservative than SFO Interpretive rules required; difficult to limit parameters in R software

10 Interpretive Rules Use SFO if IORE N < 1 (less conservative than SFO) Use SFO if SFO k = DFOP “slow” k1 (simplest model) Reexamine data if SFO not chosen for hydrolysis studies (SFO expected) Examples of datasets requiring interpretation follow – using older version of pestDF

11 Example: SFO not chosen for Hydrolysis

12 Example: N < 1 and SFO = DFOP Dataset 41

13 Example: N < 1, IORE not Conservative Dataset 45

14 Example: f < 0 Dataset 35

15 Remaining Issues versus FOCUS approach (Crop Life America comments)
Data sets that do not reach DT90 are not limited to SFO IORE “representative time” is sometimes >> empirical DT50, SFO Statistical Fit procedures: chi-square displayed but not determinative AIC and BIC tested but gave same results as Sc vs. SSFO Sensitivity to N parameter in IORE

16 Example: DFOP k1 < 0, IORE tR large

17 Characterization: Comparative DT50 Values

18 Conclusions “pestDF” implements NAFTA model-input kinetics guidance well Some interpretive rules were needed to deal with out-of-bounds parameter estimates Reasonable model input parameters are usually obtained Some additional interpretation may still be needed Open to other software implementations of guidance

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