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98% matched with this article from this source.

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Presentation on theme: "98% matched with this article from this source."— Presentation transcript:

1 98% matched with this article from this source

2 Note that Turnitin will well as complete sentences
85% Matched with this article from this source Note that Turnitin will identify phrases as well as complete sentences

3 0% Matched with this article from this source
You must cite the source in text & in a reference list (Ben and Jerry's Flavor Name Causes Meltdown, 2006)

4 You should be aware of the following:
Turnitin compares your submission all students in this class as-well-as other universities. 2. The cases are also in the student database. 3. Current and archived internet means ALL INTERNET CONTENT 4. Proquest and Gale Infotrac journal, Newspaper, etc articles are in the databases 5. The end result is that Turnitin will compare your paper to all of these sources. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE. This is plagiarism and VIOLATORS WILL RECEIVE AN F FOR THE COURSE AND BE REPORTED TO ACADEMIC AFFAIRS

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