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Western Pennsylvania Intramural Therapeutic League

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1 Western Pennsylvania Intramural Therapeutic League
Teamwork Curriculum

2 Mission Statement The focus of the league is not about winning and losing, but rather to promote participation and to teach our student athletes fair play and teamwork.

3 Teaching Teamwork

4 What is Teamwork? Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of people acting together as a team to achieve a common goal.

5 What is Teamwork? A basketball team working together to set up the perfect shot, every team member has a specific role to play in accomplishing tasks on the job. Although it may seem as if one player scored the basket, that basket was made possible by many people’s planning, coordination, and cooperation to get that player the ball.

6 What is Teamwork? Teamwork is essential to a good performance from any sports team, professional or not, and is a great way to teach children certain life lessons, such as cooperating well with others and taking responsibility for actions.

7 What is Teamwork? Teamwork is important in sports because it requires the effort of every team member.

8 What is Teamwork? The concept of teamwork is extremely important to the success of any team.

9 What is Teamwork? The team working as one cohesive unit is going to be the key in their success.

10 What is Teamwork? To succeed at the task in hand everyone involved needs to combine their efforts. 

11 What is Teamwork? If everyone does their job well, then it increases what the team can accomplish. 

12 What is Teamwork? Every player needs to understand how important it is for them to work smoothly together if they want to be successful. 

13 What is Teamwork? Each player must be dedicated to the whole team and be willing to act unselfishly.

14 What is Teamwork? For a team to work together effectively, it takes all members of the team to respect each other’s abilities and opinions.

15 What is Teamwork? Teamwork is a highly social activity and involves much interaction and exchanging of ideas and actions.

16 What is Teamwork? Working as part of a team will strengthen your social and emotional skills, help develop communication skills, and can improve confidence.

17 Team Quotes “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford

18 Team Quotes “The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team.” - Phil Jackson

19 Team Quotes “Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” - Mattie Stepanek

20 4 Benefits Of Teamwork In Sports

21 Cooperation Teamwork in sports promotes cooperation. Student athletes can learn how to better cooperate with their teammates, even if they are not particularly fond of a teammate or two.

22 Socializing Working together on a sports team encourages socialization, as players become part of a group. The group, or in this case the sports team, shares a common interest--a love for a particular sport. Student athletes can talk about the sport together and brainstorm ways to make the team better.

23 Confidence Working as part of a sports team is also a great way to build confidence. Research concerning sports and children/teens has shown that children, especially girls, who play sports are more likely to have a positive self-image than those who do not play sports.

24 Accountability Working with a sports team is an excellent way to teach accountability. Plays are not always successful, and if a player was in the wrong place at the wrong time, missed the basket or was looking at the outfield when she should have been focused on running the bases, she will need to take responsibility for what went wrong instead of blaming it on a teammate or finding another excuse.

25 Four Benefits Of Teamwork.
Cooperation Socializing Confidence Accountability

26 5 Benefits Of Team Sports.

27 Builds confidence. When playing a sport, student athletes have the opportunity to show their skills, gain greater self-awareness, and enjoy an activity that they love the most.

28 Provides Consistent Exercise
Most kids have too much screen time and not enough hands-on activity. Team sports commits student athletes to regular exercise, contributes to overall physical health.

29 Develops Relationships
Student athletes build friendships with other children and their coaches, which is a great way for child to expand their social skills and understand expectations.

30 Contributes To Stronger Academics.
Children who play team sports are more apt to stronger academic achievement. Through sports, kids learn the importance of time management and discipline.

31 Teaches Respect. In team sports, athletes learn to respect other authoritative figures, such as coaches, referees and umpires, as well as their peers.

32 5 Benefits Of Team Sports.
Builds confidence Provides Consistent Exercise Develops Relationships Contributes To Stronger Academics. Teaches Respect.

33 5 Steps To Being A Good Teammate
Cheer-Teammates cheer for each other. When someone makes a great play, encourage them – from the field, from the bench and from the stands. Remain Positive & Maintain Control-good teammates are those people who remain positive. They remain positive about themselves, and positive about their teammates. They also maintain control, keeping their cool in difficult situations and not allowing their emotions to overtake the task at hand. Talk! - When you see these players talking all game, they are not trash talking. They are communicating, sharing, directing and cooperating. Great teammates communicate throughout the game. Be a good example-Good teammates lead by example. Leaders on teams don’t need to be designated as “Captain” to be an influential leader. Take responsibility- Good teammates take responsibility for themselves and their actions – good and bad.

34 Examples Of Positive Teamwork
Being supportive Dealing with conflicts directly and openly Being understanding Demonstrating respect for coach/teammates Being encouraging to teammates when they mess up Accepting your assigned role on the team Having a positive attitude Listening Having an open mind Understanding that everyone on the team is important for success Not allowing team-busting behaviors to occur Taking responsibility for your actions  Going full out/trying as hard as you can Being a good sport

35 Examples Of Negative Teamwork
Talking behind others' backs Blaming others - Refusing to accept responsibility Picking on certain teammates Jealousy Complaining about playing time Having a negative attitude Bad mouthing teammates or coach  Being dishonest in your relationships with coach & teammates  "I'm the greatest and you're pond scum" attitude Yelling at teammates when they make mistakes Not communicating directly/openly Being defensive Dogging it or giving a half-hearted effort Being a poor sport

36 Final Thought A team without teamwork will never be successful in the end. This is why most team coaches spend a good amount of time in order to foster teamwork within their team. Without teamwork, nothing can be achieved as a group.

37 Quiz 1. What is teamwork ? 2. Give an example of positive teamwork ? 3. Give an example of negative teamwork ? 4. Why is teamwork important in basketball ? 5. Without ___________, nothing can be achieved as a group.

38 Sportsmanship Review

39 8 Guidelines For Sportsmanship Summary
Avoid Arguing Everyone Should Have A Chance To Play Play Fair  Follow Directions Respect The Other Team Encourage Teammates Respect The Decisions Of Referees And Other Officials.  End With A Handshake

40 Sportsmanship Review Good sportsmanship is one of the life lessons that children can learn from sports. You can help your children understand and value good sportsmanship while making sure they have a safe and fun sports experience. Good sportsmanship may seem hard to define, but its hallmarks include being able to win without gloating, respecting one's opponents, and being able to lose gracefully. Here are some important principles to instill in your children: If you lose, don't make up excuses. If you win, don't rub it in. Learn from mistakes and get back in the game. Always do your best. If someone else makes a mistake, remain encouraging and avoid criticizing. Show respect for yourself, your team, and the officials of the game.

41 Keeping Score WPITL Basketball 2017 we will not be keeping score for any sporting event. The scoreboard will only be used for keeping the time.

42 Its not about winning and losing!
The Carroll Academy Lady Jags have lost 213 straight high school basketball games, but they use sports as a way to win in life. Losing to Win: The Lady Jags - A basketball story... 15 minute video.

43 Carroll Academy Lady Jags
For nine girls, ages 13 to 17, basketball is a way to keep their after-school time occupied, to provide them supervision, to give their worlds a bit of structure and to teach them about TEAMWORK and trusting others.


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