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Chapter Summary Section 1: Building a National Identity

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1 Chapter Summary Section 1: Building a National Identity
After the War of 1812, President James Monroe worked to promote national unity. For this reason, his presidency is known as the “Era of Good Feelings.” The Supreme Court made three landmark rulings during this time which promoted federal power and national economic growth.

2 Chapter Summary (continued)
Section 2: Dealing With Other Nations Wars of independence led to the creation of many new Latin American countries in the early 1800s. President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, signaling America’s interest in shaping events in the Americas. Over time, the tension between America and Canada was replaced with a strong diplomatic bond.

3 Chapter Summary (continued)
Section 3: The Age of Jackson Andrew Jackson served as President from 1829 to His presidency, called the Age of Jackson, marked the beginning of a more democratic era in America. Suffrage was expanded and the two-party system was restored.

4 Chapter Summary (continued)
Section 4: Indian Removal Government leaders felt that Native Americans in the Southeast stood in the way of westward expansion. Despite a Supreme Court ruling in their favor, these tribes were forced to move in the 1830s. Native Americans suffered greatly as a result of their forced relocation to the Indian Territory.

5 Chapter Summary (continued)
Section 5: States’ Rights and the Economy Andrew Jackson fought the Bank of the United States and stood firm against South Carolina’s threat to secede. His successor, Martin Van Buren, faced an economic crisis in In 1840, the Whig Party gained control with the election of William Henry Harrison as President.

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