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Industry-led data collection

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1 Industry-led data collection
Stephen Mangi

2 Background (I) Increased demand for data and knowledge on marine resources to effectively underpin management decisions Research institutes and state-funded research efforts are suffering from reduced funds and capacity Fishing industry has considerable and unique capacity to help meet these requirements From industry point of view, the use of precautionary management and decisions on fishing opportunities have immediate consequences for businesses

3 Background (II) Industry-led data collection schemes are increasingly encouraged to plug key gaps in stock assessments and supplement existing programmes These are being encouraged towards regionally coordinated programmes based on sound statistical design principles so as to be compatible with existing data collections The utility of data collected by fishermen is often poorly understood, under-used and undervalued

4 Why Cefas? An increasing urgency for a strategic approach to industry-led data collection to shape key actions and commitments Need to align the allocation of resources and capacity towards shared goals; based on common understanding of the issues As the formal assessor of English fisheries, there is an obligation on Cefas to deliver the best assessments of fisheries using the best available evidence This evidence could be improved by using data collected by fishermen

5 Current projects Celtic Seas Partnership - Fishing4Data Group
Seafish - Data Collection Protocols (Fishing into the Future) British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) on behalf of the Celtic Seas Partnership - Informing the scope of the Celtic Seas fishery stakeholder data collection strategy FSP50 Fisheries Science Strategy for Industry Generated Data

6 Fishing4Data Group Contractor: Celtic Seas Partnership Funded by: WWF
A collaboration between fishing industry, environmental NGOs, retailers and technical / scientific stakeholders to see data gaps preventing effective fishery and conservation management addressed Main aims To develop a high level strategy - priorities, what, how, high level delivery plan Vehicle to use combined advocacy strength to influence policy Forum to keep the conversation going - share best practice, enable better collaboration across UK/EU, prevent duplication The Fishing4Data Group is not a Delivery body (other than work supporting strategy development) Representative body for the industry/ eNGOs/ - Advocacy only

7 Informing the scope of the Celtic Seas fishery stakeholder data collection strategy
Contractor: Cefas Funded by: British Oceanographic Data Centre; Celtic Seas Partnership To identify areas of ecosystem monitoring where fishermen could help satisfy the demand for data by data and advice users throughout government and non-governmental sectors Identifying specific opportunities where ‘need’ and ‘capacity’ can be matched. Online survey for 4 key stakeholder groups: Fishermen Monitoring agencies (MMO, NE, JNCC, EA) eNGO Fish processers and retailers 42 ‘targeted’ stakeholders identified by the CSP Same survey was also made available to anyone interested ‘general’ Survey respondents by employer and employment focus

8 Findings Fishermen proposed to assist in collection of most if not all data types - fish stocks, fisheries activity and fisheries acoustics were readily obtainable by many of the fishermen Some fishermen considered they could also provide more general environmental information Data and advice users were predominantly interested in the data that the industry could supply

9 Number of responses registered by fishermen regarding data collection
Concerns of fishermen Number of responses registered by fishermen regarding data collection The greatest concerns were: Data would be used against fishermen (13 responses) Diversion of activity from fishing to monitoring (location = 8 responses; crew = 7 responses)

10 Engagement by employer and target group
Employment general group target Total Fishermen or boat owner Yes, and I am willing to engage in the process 3 1 4 Yes, but I would need resources to engage in the process 6 2 8 Yes under specific conditions 5 Marine Monitoring Authority (e.g. Defra and the Defra family, devolved administrations) Yes, but I would need resources to engage in the process. No, I am not qualified to do so Non-Governmental Organisation (e.g. WWF, Green Peace etc., MSC, Pew Charitable Trust) Grand Total 23 11 34 65% are willing to help develop means to overcome issues that hinder the use of fishing vessels as platforms for data collection There are opportunities to maximise the impact of fishing-4-data More detailed discussions between specific fisheries and stock assessors are necessary Advice could focus on areas of high assessment priority which could also have a beneficial outcome for the industry E.g. Data poor stocks managed on a highly precautionary basis, especially those that may act as choke species

11 FSP50 Fisheries Science Strategy for Industry Generated Data
Contractor: NFFO Aim: To deliver a coordinated set of targeted actions towards data provision by the industry that would in turn be used to provide evidence towards fisheries management decisions Literature and stakeholder consultation on degree of impact of past projects where industry has collected data Focus on how industry generated data could enhance stock assessments (both ICES and non-ICES assessed stocks) for stocks with data gaps Select key national stocks by value / importance to industry that would benefit from more data / better assessments Brown crab, sea bass, skates and rays, monkfish Stakeholder workshop (24 and 25 January 2017) – discuss what the industry can do to address the data issues within the case study stocks in line with sound statistical design principles

12 Fundamental ingredients of successful industry-led data collection initiative
Based on literature review of recently completed fishermen-led data collection projects Industry participation: from the grassroots Trust and understanding: making sure everyone is on the same page Incentives: Carrots are better than sticks Resources: it’s not free data Feedback – fishermen need to see and hear progress

13 Action plans for case study stocks
Sea bass - measure survivability since a large part of the fishery was not accounted for by commercial fishermen. This plan is being carried forward through the Defra funded C-Bass project. Monkfish - consider historical surveys and adapting them to current circumstances Skates and rays - concentrate on a single species, blonde ray, and establish a plan that would build on existing data Brown crab – as a direct response to these discussions, a number of FSP proposals have been generated which will be further developed for consideration in the next rounds

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