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The Younger Members Committee 2009

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1 The Younger Members Committee 2009
Dr. Shirley Davey Local Society Forum, London, April 2009

2 The YMC The Younger Members’ Committee (YMC) was formed in 1967 and exists to represent the views and needs of members under the age of 35.

3 Younger Members Committee
YMC Today Younger Members Committee

4 Who We are Shirley Davey (Chair, University of Ulster) Mike Clinch (Luxfer Gas Cylinders) Siobhán Matthews (SCF Processing) Ileigo Akagwu (JP Kenny Ltd) Jaymeen Amin (Webmaster, Airbus UK) Neel Bhattacharya (Shell) Marina Galano (University of Oxford) Jasper Graham-Jones (University of Portsmouth) David Jackson (Easibind International) Rob Mitchell (Rolls Royce) Vishal Shah (Webmaster, Ernst & Young LLP) Put in pics of paul and anu We are a dynamic, exciting committee representing a full range of materials disciplines in both Industry and Academia

5 YMC Achievements YMC - a strong and growing voice within IOM3!
Dedicated Conference for Younger Members Younger Members’ Prizes and Awards World Lecture Competition Great Materials Challenge (May 2009) YMC - a strong and growing voice within IOM3!

6 YMC Great Materials Challenge 2
Our Next Event is YMC Great Materials Challenge 2 9th May 2009, Starting at the Science Museum, London, London, UK This fun filled materials themed treasure hunt will feature some of London's most spectacular sites. The group that completes the challenge in the fastest time wins.


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