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7th EHA Paediatric Course

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1 7th EHA Paediatric Course
Dates: April 5-8, 2017 Location: Sorrento, Italy Grand Hotel Riviera, Via A. Califano 22 Organized by: A.Baruchel (FR), A.Biondi (IT), A.Borkhardt (D), I.Roberts (UK) Background The philosophy of the course is to use problem-solving involving real clinical cases and linking basic science to the clinic. The course organizers aim to create a friendly and informal atmosphere, to encourage exchange of scientific ideas for ongoing and future projects. Topics - Leukemia (ALL, AML, MDS) - Bone marrow failure and immunodeficiency - Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - Consultative pediatric hematology - Red cell disorders The course will be conducted in English. Target audience Clinicians in pediatric hemato-oncology, researchers already in the field (or wishing to enter it), students and biologists working in hematology laboratories. For more information, please send an to Carla Manganini at

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