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Public Relation Activities of ROBI

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1 Public Relation Activities of ROBI

2 Introduction Business Communication is defined as the process by which information is transmitted between individuals or organizations so that an understanding response results. In other words, Business Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging information, opinions, ideas, facts and thoughts by writing, speech, visual means, so that the material communicated is completely understood by everyone concerned. There are mainly three forms of communication such as internal, external and personal communication through formal and informal networks. Here we will try to concentrate the external and outdoor communications and public relation activities of the concern telecommunication company ROBI.

3 Objectives Some major objectives of this review paper are concerned with the following features: To explore public relation activities in the market. In addition, how much impact is been created with the PR and communication department, how this impact is helping the company in doing business. To explore the effectiveness of ROBI print & TV advertisement and competitor’s print & TV advertisement for communication. To explore the effectiveness of ROBI’s Outdoor communication activities.

4 Scope of the Study This research will help the PR & Comm. Department of ROBI to understand their problem areas. In addition based on the recommendations the department will be able to revise their work for better and efficient performance all over the country.

ROBI employee & the agency personnel might give biased information. Small Sample Size: Only 85 questionnaires have been conducted. The research topic is so vast that this tiny amount of sample will not reflect the actual picture. Centralized study: All the samples were the inhabitants of Dhaka City Lack of concentration in filling up the questionnaire: the levels of knowledge of the samples were not adequate for every question. Time as a constrain: Time was a constrain all the time it was quite difficult to continue the research work together

6 Source of Data Collection
METHODOLOGY This report is aimed at presenting the experiences gathered through some surveying or observing a certain set of people. Source of Data Collection The total report is based on the practical view of ROBI. All the information incorporated in this report will be collected both from the primary sources and as well as from the secondary sources Primary Source of Data: Primary data is mostly collected from the questionnaire survey which is conducted upon the subscribers of ROBI. Secondary Sources of Data: Website of ROBI. Other published documents, magazines and company’s brochures of ROBI.

ROBI is the 3rd largest mobile company in Bangladesh out of six mobile companies. Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited is a Joint Venture company between Axiata Group Berhad (70%) and NTT DOCOMO INC. (30%). Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited, formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name Aktel among the pioneer GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 2010 the company started its new journey with the brand name Robi.   Axiata is an emerging leader in Asian telecommunications with significant presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Cambodia. NTT DOCOMO INC is the world's leading mobile communications company and the largest mobile communications company in Japan.

8 Organization structure

9 Some Terminology Public relation: public relation is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. Advertising : advertising is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually by an identified sponsor. Television commercial : A television commercial (often called an advert in the United Kingdom) is a form of advertising in which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are promoted via the medium of television. Press conference : a press conference consists of someone speaking to the media at a predetermined time and place.

Outdoor/Visibility: All sorts of Billboard, posters, festoons, placard comes under this heading. ROBI billboard now can be found almost everywhere in Bangladesh. TV: Television commercial is a very important means of communication in this electronic world. Currently TV commercials are been shown in Channel I, ATN Bangla, NTV, RTV, & Channel 1. Among these channels ATN Bangla, & Channel I. Press & publications: ROBI spent maximum amount in March 2006 among the other mobile phone operators in Bangladesh. And the amount is about million BDT. Radio Ad: very recently (from March, 2006) ROBI start giving ads in the radio in order to target the customers in the rural places. Others: Events & Sponsorship POS Materials Gift Items Web Based Communications

11 Analysis and Findings:
The work is based on some questionnaire and analysis and findings are made according to them. Q 1. Do you watch ROBI Television commercials? Analysis: People are watching ROBI Television commercials more then they are avoiding it. So there is a very good chance to communicate people through this media.

12 Q2. Summary of TV advertisements of ROBI based on the visual, sound, communication, & contents.
Analysis : This analysis is made to find out which factors of preference in case of TV ads of ROBI by the respondents. By analyzing Q1 & Q2 we can see for both the questions respondents gave positive answers. The respondents like the TV ads of ROBI.

13 Q4. Do you read ROBI newspaper advertisements?
Analysis : People are reads newspaper so do they read ROBI newspaper ad. So communication process should be more precise and target oriented in case of newspaper ad.

14 Q7. Do you observe ROBI Outdoor activities (Billboard, placard, festoons, & leaflets)?
Analysis :Those people who go out more they observe the outdoor ads more like students, working class, and employees. So the research question concludes that the outdoor ad should be target oriented. Those who watch it they should be targeted not the entire population.

15 Q8.The quality of the Outdoor (Billboard, placard, festoons, & leaflets) advertisements of ROBI based on the visual, communication/ message, & contents? Analysis :By analyzing Q7 & Q8 we can see for both the questions we co relate housewives are lesser in observing outdoor activities. They should not be main target in the outdoor activities, rather students and working class should be come under consideration.

16 RECOMENDATIONS The mobile industry in Bangladesh is still facing an oligopoly competition. In order to be competitive in this industry in future, the only option is to build up a strong brand image is by creating unique product offerings and make a competitive market and effective communication. The recommendations according to the analysis will definitely improve the overall company image if implemented efficiently. TV ads should provide clear message along with very attractive visual and sound. Press ad should be communicated with proper message. The understandability of the reader should be concentrated. Outdoor ads should communicate the message along with visibility that can be understandable even to those people who do not understand the message.

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