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In cinemas at the top of the page gives an audience an idea of what the review is about and how they can watch the film The main image is a screenshot.

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Presentation on theme: "In cinemas at the top of the page gives an audience an idea of what the review is about and how they can watch the film The main image is a screenshot."— Presentation transcript:

1 In cinemas at the top of the page gives an audience an idea of what the review is about and how they can watch the film The main image is a screenshot from the film. It dominates the page as takes up half. Look closer box: Contains a few facts and further info about the film Small text in the image explaining what characters are in the picture Title of the film being reviewed. It is the largest and boldest font so stands out on the page Main body of text, reviewing the film Tag line for the film Box highlighting, containing important details of the film: film release, certificate, director, cast, running time and brief plot summary An overall verdict of the film that sums up the film and a star rating Some parts of the text are in a larger font so they stand out and hook the reader in

2 The ‘New Moon’ review contains many elements which help promote the film and hook in the audience. There is the use of a pull quote in the text which is what the audience is likely to read first so it ‘pulls’ them into the story. The image in the review bleeds off the page and is in the top half which shows it is the most important. There is also an overall verdict given at the end of the review which acts as a credit. There is box highlighting which is just a side bar from the main body of the text to make the page look clearer and to provide more information. There is also use of Auto leads which is when a new paragraph starts slightly further in. This is to help break up the page even more and to have a more interesting design. ‘New Moon isn’t really a horror film but it can be very tense and is a very deep romantic. The main colours on the page are black, red and orange. The red gives connotations of love but maybe also blood. And the blacks then make it seem more creepy and mysterious. However the orange then contrasts this by making it seem more light-hearted. The Twilight series was more aimed for teenage girls so by having the image of ‘Bella’ and ‘Edward’ cuddling it highlights romance which is what the audience is attracted to. The brighter colours may also appeal to teenage girls.

3 It states that the film is on DVD so the audience know how to consume the film
A small image of what the DVD of the film looks like Title of the film being reviewed A tagline of the film is provided The ‘GOFURTHER’ box provides some extra information and quick facts about the film The main image of the article takes up the whole first page to draw a lot of attention to it. I am not sure if this is a screenshot from the film or if it has been taken in a photo-shoot. Main body of the review It states when the DVD is released and how much it cots Across the bottom of the page it states what other things are in the magazine to get the audience to keep reading Significant sentence taken from the text and put in a bold text/ different colour to hook readers in

4 This film review for ‘Let the right one in’ contains a folto which is a boarder at the bottom of the page which contains the magazines name, page number and the issue number. The whole of the image of the review takes up the whole two pages as the second page is just the snow. I feel this is very effective and links both things together nicely. The review uses its tagline more like a subheading to give extra information about the film. The review also uses a pull quote to highlight a key sentence in the review. Under the pull quote there is a thick rule line to break it apart from the main body of text. The review follows a grid like structure, with 2 columns and these have a gutter of at least 4.23millimeters. The main colours on this review and white, black and blue. This makes the page look very fresh and light. This may have connotations of innocence. The DVD cover for the film looks very black and scary so this review is very different. These colours show the audience that there is more to the story then you think. This film review attracts its audience by using simple colours showing it can be aimed at either gender. However in the image of the review there is a young boy which could show it is aimed for younger generations as they can relate to the characters.

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