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EGEE Dissemination North European Region

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1 EGEE Dissemination North European Region
Rosette Vandenbroucke University of Brussels (VUB)

2 Period Dec. 2004 - March 2005 Media Coverage:
newspaper article in Sweden: "Världsdatorn snart inte bara en dröm" 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

3 Period Dec March 2005 Events where EGEE has been promoted with material: EC-Bridge Chinese – European Networking Symposium, 9-10 December 2004, Shanghai, China 20 December 2004, BEgrid day at the K.U.Leuven, Belgium IST Call 5 Preparatory Workshop on "Advanced Grid Technologies,Systems & Services“, 31 January - 1 February 2005, Brussels European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, February 2005 EC-Bridge Chinese – European Networking Symposium, March 2005, Beijing, China 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

4 Period Dec. 2004 - March 2005 Events where EGEE has been presented:
EC-Bridge Chinese – European Networking Symposium, 9-10, December 2004, Shanghai, China, presentation by Fabrizio Gagliardi, see SARA 'Superday': 14 December 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, presentation by Jeff Templon Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, BEgrid day, 20 December 2004, ROC presentation by Jules Wolfrat, see University of Amsterdam, 'Viva Fysica' (for high school students), 14 January 2005, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, presentation by Jeff Templon, 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

5 Period Dec March 2005 Presentation at NGN Workshop, Tallinn, Latvia, January 2005 by Anders Wäänänen NWO (i.e. the Dutch 'NSF'): Theme day on ICT, 1 February 2005, The Hague, the Netherlands, presentations by Jeff Templon and David Groep, see Introduction to Grids, Danish National Space Center, 10 February 2005 presentation by Anders Wäänänen. 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

6 Period Dec March 2005 ALICE Grid computing Nordic meeting, 10 February, presentation by Anders Wäänänen. Cycle-scavenging in production Grids, presentation at European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, February 2005 by Michael Grønager 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

7 Period Dec. 2004 - March 2005 Meetings related to EGEE:
20 December 2004, BEgrid day at the K.U.Leuven, Belgium, see 20 December 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, GANG workshop (GANG = grid admin nerd group), see 4 February 2005, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Annual meeting of 'Gridforum Nederland', see 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

8 Period Dec. 2004 - March 2005 E-mail activities:
Distribution of LCG/EGEE news to large mailing list of ULB-STC (about 1500 addresses worldwide) Distribution of EGEODE Press release to the Belgian Press and ULB-STC mailing list (about 800 addresses) 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

9 Period Dec. 2004 - March 2005 Meetings related to EGEE:
Visit of a governmental Japanese delegation to ULB-VUB to be informed on EGEE and BEgrid, with the purpose of building a Japanese grid 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

10 Future activities Demonstrations:
NEXT GENERATION INTERNET Demonstrations at Telecom cITy May , 2005 Brussels Expo (Heyzel) – Belgium - Booth 5851 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

11 Future Plans Presentation and material dissemination:
International Conference on Next Generation Networks in the scope of the EC IST project EUROLABS in collaboration with the projects 6NET, BEgrid and EGEE and with the support of the IPv6 Forum Brussels, June 2, 2005 Auditoire Dupréel, ULB, 44 avenue Jeanne, 1050 Brussels 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

12 Future Plans Material dissemination:
EGEE leaflet will be sent with ULB-STC paper mailing to about 2400 addresses worldwide 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

13 Future Plans Local website in Belgium:
With text in Dutch and French 3rd EGEE Conference, NA2 Meeting, Athens, 20 April 2005

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