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Congress Creates the Articles of Confederation

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1 Congress Creates the Articles of Confederation
Chapter 5 Section 1 Congress Creates the Articles of Confederation

2 Articles of Confederation
-drafted by the Continental Congress in 1777 -confederation of 13 states -a league or alliance of states that agree to work together

3 Articles of Confederation
National (Federal) Government -congress of delegates (chosen by state legislatures) -powers to make, implement, and enforce the law -no President or executive branch

4 Articles of Confederation
-alliance of independent states -national legislature (Congress) -power to declare war -trade agreements between states -no executive or judicial -no power to tax -no power to enforce laws made *most power remained with states *ratified in 1781 (by all 13 states)

5 Farmers Revolt in Massachusetts Page 140-141
Shay’s Rebellion

6 Congress Creates a Plan for Western Lands
Northwest Territory -land north of the Ohio River and west of Pennsylvania to the Mississippi River

7 Distributing Western Lands
Land Ordinance of 1785 -a system for distributing public lands in the Northwest territory

8 Governing Western Lands
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 -provided a government for western territory -governor, secretary, three judges -5,000 men- establish an elected assembly -60,000 men- request admission to the Union as a state and adopt a republican constitution *Territory later formed mid-western states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota *states would enter union as free states rather than slave states

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