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Migration Starter (Starter #1-5):

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1 Migration Starter (Starter #1-5):
Like other geographic processes, there are both causes and effects of migration. Brainstorm: What are some causes of migration (why do people migrate?) What are some effects of migration?



4 Immigration, refugees, & the Syrian refugee crisis

5 (Source:
Starter #1-6: An estimated 11 million Syrians have fled their home since civil war broke out in Of the 11 million, 4.8 million (the figure was 3 million in Nov.2015) Syrians have fled their country. Should the U.S. welcome these refugees to our country? Why or why not? (Source: “Syrian refugees walk up to the hill after arriving on the Greek island of Lesbos from Turkey on Thursday.” Image Source: “8 Facts About the U.S. Program to Resettle Syrian Refugees.” U.S. News & World Report Nov. 20, 2015

6 New Vocabulary Migration (migrate/migrant) – the movement of a person from one place to another Immigration (immigrate/immigrant) – movement to a location Emigration (emigrate) – movement from a location **Ex.: The immigrant emigrated from Greece. Refugee – a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war or persecution Asylee/asylum seeker – someone who has migrated to another country in the hope of being recognized as a refugee Asylum – the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee; (“seeking asylum”)







13 Dec. 7, headline ews/world- middle- east ?o cid=global_ bbccom_e mail_ _top+n ews+stories

14 Kyrzgesagt
History of Syrian Civil War Video Infographic: Refugee Vetting Process John Oliver Refugee Video ISIS article & map, graphics syria-refugees-death.html?_r=0 Europe’s border walls borders-europe.html






20 Push factor - any factor that causes people to leave their location
Pull factor – any factor that causes people to move to a new location What are push factors in the Syrian crisis? What are pull factors in the Syrian crisis?

21 Other Words to Know Annotating Backlash – an angry/negative reaction
Vetted – investigated in detail; very well checked out Sympathizer (“ISIS sympathizer”) – supporter of a cause/organization UN – United Nations – organization of most countries around the world EU – European Union – organization of many European countries Annotating

22 History of Syrian Civil War Infographic: Refugee Vetting Process John Oliver Refugee Video

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