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The Finest Pianist Since Liszt

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1 The Finest Pianist Since Liszt
高中基础 (2341期 ) 45版

2 Pre-reading Name the great pianists in the pictures. Franz Liszt
Wolfgang Mozart Ludwig Beethoven Franz Liszt Frederic Chopin

3 Pre-reading Guess who the pianist is according to the following descriptions. He is now in his forties. He comes from Croatia. He plays classical crossover music. Exodus is one of his most famous pieces of music. Maksim Mrvica

4 While reading Scan the article and complete the following sentences.
That Maksim Mrvica _________________________________________ is rarely known to people. Maksim _________________________________________ while most of his peers listened to mainstream music. suffered the trials of war as a child listened to every kind of music including classical music

5 While reading Scan the article and complete the following sentences.
It was Maksim’s _________________________________________ that kept him motivated and focused on his craft. _________________________________________ was a big challenge for Maksim. passion for performing live Releasing an album using well-known pieces

6 While reading Choose the best answer.
Which of the following statements about Maksim Mrvica is true? A. He can hardly recall what happened in his childhood. B. He was jealous of his friends who didn’t listen to classical music. C. He didn’t think it easy to practice playing the piano in his teens. D. He is only connected to classical music now.

7 While reading Choose the best answer.
According to the article, which of the following words can best describe Maksim? ① nostalgic ② gifted ③ diligent ④ unconventional A. ①② B. ②④ C. ③④ D. ①③

8 While reading Choose the best answer.
What is the author’s most likely job? A. A middle school music teacher. B. A piano museum curator. C. Head of a publishing house. D. An entertainment magazine reporter.

9 Language study Find a word in the article that matches each definition. The first letter has been given. e_________________: only h_________________: to make it difficult for something to develop or succeed p_________________: having very strong feelings or emotions s_________________: to spend most of your time studying on one particular subject or doing one type of business v_________________: producing strong clear pictures in the mind xclusively inder assionate pecialize ivid

10 Word usage But I was passionate about performing live, so that kept me going. live, lively, living, alive 辨析: ① live adv. 从现场,以直播方式 adj. 有生命的,活的(常修饰动物) ② lively adj. 精力充沛的;生动的 ③ living adj.(作定语)活着的,在世的(常修饰人) ④ alive adj.(作表语)活着的,在世的

11 Word usage Translate the following sentences. 地震中,很多熟睡的人被活埋了。
她是一个如此活泼好动的女孩,深受老师和同学们的喜爱。 作为在世的最著名的作家之一,他仍然时而为报纸写专栏。 Many people who were soundly asleep were buried alive in the earthquake. She’s such a lively girl that she is popular with teachers and classmates. As one of the most famous living writers, he still writes a newspaper column at times.

12 After reading Which pianist mentioned in the pre-reading part do you like best? Share in class one of his stories that impress you most.

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