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ARCH 5325 Conservation Policies

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1 ARCH 5325 Conservation Policies
Chapter 11 Heritage Tourism, Cultural Landscapes, and Heritage Areas

2 Heritage Interpretation (Essentially the “Colonial Williamsburg Experience”)
Brings together: Historic Preservation

3 Tourism Heritage Tourism—can help fund restorations and preservation through taxes

4 Living History Presentations

5 Education—Edutainment and Experiential Learning


7 Also Greenfield Village, Dearborn, MI
A collection of buildings and the Henry Ford Museum

8 Landscape Preservation—Natural or Created Landscapes
Reconstruction of historic landscapes Cultural Landscapes—mainly built environments Gettysburg Maritime Landscapes—docks, ports, lighthouses, and other related sites

9 Maritime Landscapes Ameliorate coastal erosion
Historic Lighthouse preservation Encourage building away from the shore Sustainable flood control—levee construction

10 Preservation of Rural Land
Define limits of city growth with only low density beyond the limits—prevents urban sprawl Encourage higher density land use within the city Utilize existing infrastructure

11 Natchez Trace Trail and Parkway

12 Natchez Trace Trail and Parkway

13 Means to Achieve Protection
Encourage preservation through adaptive use of historic (and non-historic) buildings Revise the tax structure Zoning of agricultural land—county

14 Gentrification Policies that encourage low- to middle-income housing within areas to be developed Freezing existing property taxes Encourages diversity in neighborhoods

15 Minorities Encouragement of listing of sites important to minorities
Chatman Hospital in east Lubbock Encouragement of diversity in neighborhood developments Seek input from underrepresented citizens in decision-making process North and east Lubbock development plan

16 Preservation and the Highway Program
Preservation of historic sites and structures in the way of highway construction Section 108 Review—required review of potential historic sites and structures in the way of new highway construction where Federal funds were to be used

17 Preservation and the Highway Program
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA, 1991—1997) grants, replaced by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21, 1998), the Safe, Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA-LU, 2005) and the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21, 2012)

18 Sign Ordinances Getting rid of inappropriate or unsightly signage
Keeping and restoring historic important signage Design requirements for new signage

19 Criteria for historic sign determination
It must be of the period of significance or of exemplary technology, craftsmanship or design The sign is integrated into the architecture of a significant building—painted on the wall or brick or stone lettering

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