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Expository Writing.

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1 Expository Writing

2 What is expository writing?
Expository writing is something that explains something to the people reading it. Expository writing will often tell “why”, so you will often see the word because in it.

3 First First, you will need a thesis statement. A thesis statement is simply the topic turned into a declarative sentence, or a statement of fact. Next Add a list of reasons that support your thesis statement. This list should give examples of why your thesis statement is true or important.

4 First Paragraph Your first paragraph can simply be your thesis statement, followed by your list of supporting details and finished with a “hook”, or something to make your reader want to read more.

5 Following paragraphs Your next paragraphs should begin with one of the supporting details that you gave to support your thesis statement and then they should use the following sentences to explain, give further evidence and appeal to the reader that what you are writing about is interesting and important.

6 Following paragraphs You can use stories from your own life (anectdotes) in your supporting details, but remember that you are not writing a narrative, so the anectdotes should not be the most important (or longest) part of your writing. Keep the anecdotes to three sentences or less.

7 Following paragraphs You should give at least three supporting details for your thesis statement and therefore write at least three paragraphs in the body of your writing.

8 Conclusion In your conclusion, you should simply and accurately review the reasons you have given for your writing and then close it off with a call to action. The call to action is an appeal to your reader to make him or her feel the same way you do about your subject. The call to action should be a single sentence that makes the reader feel emotion.

9 Writing Options If you were an explorer, and you wanted to find new places, which part of the world would you go to and explore, and why? If you discover a new and exciting place, would you tell other people about it, or would you keep it a secret? Why? Pretend you are an Incan person living on Machu Picchu. Describe what happened to make the Incan people leave Machu Picchu, causing Machu Picchu to become a lost city. Use your imagination. There is no correct answer.

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