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User Administration: Add Disable/Enable Delete.

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Presentation on theme: "User Administration: Add Disable/Enable Delete."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Administration: Add Disable/Enable Delete

2 Log in to pinSIGHT and click on Go To BACK OFFICE

3 In the Admin section click on Intranet and then Search Agents

4 There are 2 options for setting up users: Send Invite and Create New User

5 Send Invite: This option sends an invite to the user providing a user name and a link to set their password. This option doesn’t actually create the user in the system until the user sets their password

6 Create User: This option creates a user in the system and sends the user an letting them know their user name and password for logging in to pinSIGHT

7 Selecting a Role: There are 3 roles available for users
Admin Agent AgentIC

8 Role: Admin Admin’s can send invites and create new users Admin’s can disable and delete users Admin’s are able to view reports for all reservations made under the agency Admin;s are able to access bookings made by any agency user Anyone you want to be able to be able to administer your account should be created as an Admin

9 Role: Agent Agent’s are able to view reports for all reservations made under the agency Agent’s are able to access bookings made by any agency user If you need your agents to be able to view/cancel each others bookings, create your users as AGENT

10 Role: AgentIC AgentIC’s are able to view reports for their reservations only AgentIC’s are only able to access their own bookings If you only want the agent to see and administer their own bookings, create your users as AGENTIC

11 Disabling or Deleting Users
Admins have the ability to Disable or Delete users from the User List

12 Disabling/Enabling Users
Disabling the user will retain the user info and any bookings made by the user Users who made bookings should only be DISABLED and should never be deleted You can enable any disabled user if their status changes in the future Click the Status Icon to Enable or Disable the user Click Yes or No to complete

13 Deleting Users Deleting the user will permanently erase the user and their bookings from the system Users who made bookings should only be DISABLED and should never be deleted Use the delete function to clean up errors in user creation Click the garbage can icon to delete the user Click Yes or No to complete

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