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Comprehensive occupational health service at oil and gas enterprises

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1 Comprehensive occupational health service at oil and gas enterprises

2 «SibMedCenter» LLC Locations: Krasnoyarsk Territory
Khabarovsk Territory Primorye Territory Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area Tomsk Region Vologda Region OJSC «VSNK» (UTM) 1 health center Industrial Areas «Vankorneft», Ltd. 6 health centers, 2 out-patient departments LLC «Transneftstroy» Long distance pipeline 3 health centers LLC «NEU» South Tambey Field 1 health center LLC «Transneftstroy» Long distance pipeline 1 health center LLC «Transneftstroy» Long distance pipeline 1 health center

3 «SibMedCenter», LLC locations in industrial areas

4 Healthcare services at production facilities of “Vankorneft” Ltd.
Prospects for the development Today Getting the sanitary epidemic validation paper for the object Getting the license for providing medical service Opening 2 out-patient departments OBP - 700, GVK - 850, Providing therapeutic and surgical dentistry Opening licensed pharmacy Air ambulance based on the territory of health unit Staff – 4 doctors, 8 paramedics Ambulance Yesterday Start – July 2010 Staff – 2 doctors, 5 paramedics. Location – KEMP, NPS-1,NPS-2, KNPS, Priluki 5 health centers

5 Comprehensive services. Systematic approach.
Prospects for the medical service development at “Vankorneft” Ltd. sites Comprehensive services. Systematic approach. Opening Intensive Care Unit at GVK-850; Opening X-ray unit at GVK - 850; Opening pharmacies at all production facilities of “Vankorneft”, Ltd.; Opening Department of Physical Therapy; Opening out-patient departments in “BC “Pervaya Bashnya”; Opening a medical center in Krasnoyarsk city.

6 Healthcare services at production facilities of “Vankorneft” Ltd.
Our range of services: Urgent medical care. 2. Acute exacerbation of chronic diseases treatment. 3. Diseases prevention (including vaccine programmes). 4. Rehabilitation. 5. Man-caused emergency preparedness of medical service.

7 Doctor’s consulting rooms, rooms for patients’ examination
Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «OBP» for 700 people Doctor’s consulting rooms, rooms for patients’ examination

8 Room for medical procedures
Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «OBP» for 700 people Room for medical procedures

9 Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «OBP» for 700 people
Probationary ward № 2

10 Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «OBP» for 700 people

11 Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «GVK-850»

12 Out-patient department facilities in rotational village «GVK-850»

13 Getting the license for providing medical service

14 Our special programme is aimed at providing medical services to low-numbered peoples of the North

15 Our special programme is aimed at providing medical services to low-numbered peoples of the North

16 We provide periodic medical examinations

17 We provide periodic medical examinations

18 Healthcare services at production facilities of “Vankorneft” Ltd.
Diseases prevention: Epidemiology. Vaccine programmes. Vitamin therapy. Specific healthcare services («Cardiology», «Oncology», «Female health programme», «Male health programme»).

19 Healthcare services at production facilities of “Vankorneft” Ltd.
Comprehensive medical services at production facilities include: Medical service organization at production facilities of “Vankorneft” Ltd. Pre-employment medical check-ups. 3. Periodic annual medical check-ups. 4. Pre-shifts medical control. 5. Providing medical services to office managers in Krasnoyarsk city with attraction of compulsory and voluntary health insurance resources. 6. Working places attestation. 7. Common database of medical examination results.


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