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Novel Polyglutamate-based Indocyanine green nanoparticles for photothermal cancer therapy Sam P. Tarassoli.

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Presentation on theme: "Novel Polyglutamate-based Indocyanine green nanoparticles for photothermal cancer therapy Sam P. Tarassoli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novel Polyglutamate-based Indocyanine green nanoparticles for photothermal cancer therapy
Sam P. Tarassoli

2 Clinical need: head and neck cancer
Cancer cost: £9.4 billion to the NHS 37% spent on effective treatment Need for more direct and targeted therapy Head and neck cancer prognosis is good (50% 5y sr) with 6th leading incidence rate Aim To create a Polyglutamic acid-Indocyanine green polymeric nanoparticle that can improve the delivery of saporin to a head and neck cancer cell Cell line SCC-9

3 Nanoparticles for drug delivery
Internal stimuli sensitive nanoparticles Photothermal therapy and photothermal internalising effect Internal stimulus: Overexpressed tumour enzymes tumour agent polymer cleaved by cathepsins cathepsin enzymes


5 PGA digestion with cathepsin B
Fainter bands = PGA digestion over time

6 NP characterisation SEM DLS Encapsulation efficiency = 0.85 +/- 0.06%
Zeta potential = /- 1.3 mv (n=3)

7 Absorbance and fluorescence spectra

8 ICG uptake and formulation
LASER: 805nm and 150mW/cm2 for 5 mins (45 J/cm2 total energy)

9 Saporin toxicity studies

10 Rhodamine Dextran tracking microscopy

11 Further work SEM for digested nanoparticle
Challenging to create sample where buffer has been completely removed to provide a clear image Fabrication of nanoparticle that contains polymer photosensitizer chemotherapeutic Figure out a method to measure photothermal effect of the nanoparticle within the internal environment of the cell Cytotoxicity depends on ICG sequestration

12 Conclusions Incorporation of ICG in the PGA-based nanoparticles significantly increased the light-induced cytotoxicity of the agent on SCC-9 cells Primarily a result of the improved cellular uptake of the NP formulation Cytotoxicity evaluation and intracellular distribution observations suggested a synergistic effect of NIR-triggered drug release from lysosomes in the presence of ICG-containing nanoparticles

13 Acknowledgements University College London
Division of Surgery and Interventional Science Dr Nikoleta Nomikou Dr Josephine Woodhams Halla Weinhert Division of Chemistry UCL Cancer Institute Ulster University, School of Pharmacy

14 Thank you for listening!

15 Accompanying slides

16 Free ICG and PGA-ICG fluorescence and absorbance profiles

17 NP digestion analysis by membrane size

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