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Motivation at work: the role of money

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1 Motivation at work: the role of money
Dr Joan Harvey

2 Purposes of money Usual reasons of lifestyle and survival
Instrumentality Indicative of status/prestige/power Indicative of equity

3 What makes you happy? Friends and support Money
Opportunity to be creative or fulfilled

4 What do you want from work?
Gender differences Women prefer to work with people, are helpful, concerned with self expression Men prefer jobs that pay well, are secure and have prestige Class differences Money and other hygiene for lower SES, challenge, autonomy etc for higher SES Vocational jobs Money as only one ‘job value’ out of seven About fulfillment and contribution

5 Can money buy these forms of organizational behaviours?
Improved attendance? Lower turnover? Better quality of work? Higher performance volume of work? Loyalty and commitment?

6 Do piece rate/bonus systems work, e.g. in sales?
Used in 85% of firms for some of their staff Difficult to measure effectiveness because what is measured? Number of sales Value of sales Number of ‘returns’ Some evidence [including anecdotal] that less financial pressure can yield higher sales

7 Payment systems are based on:
Human asset Your skills are worth money, what you can do, not what you actually do Job evaluation Job tasks rated on dimensions, such as effort, responsibility, working conditions, skills. It is the job that is paid, not how much you do or your skills Individual or group performance Incentive systems- direct transactional relationship with individual, indirect and less clear relationship for group Profit-based E.g. cooperatives; based on shared success Measured work E.g. ‘job and finish’, or where minimum daily output is specified Salaried Sliding scale within a grade with experience or age Performance related pay [PRP] Often driven by targets, many of which ignore the OCBs

8 Do PRP systems work? Issues include:
Poorly perceived connections between pay and performance Poor, non-objective, irrelevant or not countable job performance measures end up as ratings Force managers to confront poor performance Performance as measured not related to aggregated performance objectives of the organization OCBs etc never usually included in the targets

9 protecting company property, conscientiously following company rules
OCBs: the ‘great unpaid’ when performance is targeted “includes any of those gestures (often taken for granted) that lubricate the social machinery of the organization but that do not directly inhere in the usual notion of task performance” (Bateman & Organ, 1983, p. 588) cooperation, altruism, compliance, punctuality, housecleaning, protecting company property, conscientiously following company rules dependability

10 To which we can add.. Transformational leadership behaviours
Helps others who have been absent, or who have work related problems. Gives advance notice if unable to come to work. Assists supervisor with his or her work. Attend functions not required but that help company image. Obeys company rules and regulations even when no one is watching. Attends meetings that are not mandatory, but are considered important. Mindful of how their behavior affects other people’s jobs.

11 Pay preferences Role of the unions Preference issues Flexible benefits
High pay levels Merit pay and bonuses Holiday entitlements Working hours Individual based pays Pension issues Job security

12 READING in addition to Work Psychology and HR texts
Furnham A and Argyle M (1998) The Psychology of Money. London: Routledge

13 Thank you for your attention

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