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Presentation on theme: " @iphigenia_k A service for the continuous, real-time monitoring of the urban thermal environment and development of applications Iphigenia Keramitsoglou,"— Presentation transcript:

1 @iphigenia_k
A service for the continuous, real-time monitoring of the urban thermal environment and development of applications Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Senior Researcher, co-Leader of Global Urban Observations and Information Task - Group of Earth Observations National Observatory of Athens | Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing Research Centre Greece @iphigenia_k

2 NOA/IAASARS Participates in numerous European and National projects
NOA hosts and operates the Collaborative Ground Segment for Sentinel (Copernicus) It hosts monitoring infrastructures and acquisition facilities (X-/L-band stations, MSG-SEVIRI) provides real-time observations and services

3 Applications: Urban Thermal Environment
3. We turn it into 1. We get this image from our station 2. We calculate Temperature 4-5 km, 5-15 min, whole Europe and Africa 1 km, 5-15 min, all major European and African cities, Greater City area scale 4. Local scale Real-time, Operational, Online every 5’ at 1km. Diurnal variability


September 5th, 2015 | 12:00 UTC September 6th, 2015 | 12:00 UTC ++ NASA is interested ++

6 Operational real time service for urban temperatures at 1km/ 5min resolution
London Hamburg Cairo Cyprus Barcelona Brussels Lisbon Mallorca

7 Building up added-value applications
Location of ambulance fleet based on risk (dynamic) Personalized risk (based on person and his position) Identification of near-by cool places Energy demand Applications Zones of Risk Prevention Mitigation strategies Scenarios Energy demand-Blackouts Heat Wave Risk Population Age Income Buildings Health Land Cover Ancillary data Land Surface Temp. Air Temp. Humidity Discomfort index Monitoring


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