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Budget reallocation TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education

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Presentation on theme: "Budget reallocation TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget reallocation TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education
for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-JPCR Budget reallocation

2 Budget proposal in application
Direct costs PROJECT COSTS   CONDITIONS 1 Staff costs ,00 Cannot exceed 40% of the total eligible direct costs 2 Travel costs and Costs of Stay ,00 3 Equipment ,00 Cannot exceed 30% of the total eligible direct costs 4 Printing and Publishing 82.875,00 5 Other costs 33.967,00 Total Eligible Direct Costs ,00 Indirect Costs 55.266,75 Flat rate funding of 7% of the total eligible direct costs or 0. TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS ,75 Must equal total project finance below II. PROJECT FINANCE € A Tempus Grant Requested ,75 Cannot exceed 90% of the total eligible costs B Co-financing 84.501,00 Must be at least 10% of the total eligible costs Budget proposal in application

3 Breakdown among partners
Partner Ref. N° Short name of the organisation Country code (1) Staff costs (€) (2) Travel costs &costs of stay (€) (3) Equipment (€) (4) Printing & Publishing (€) (5) Other costs (€) Total eligible DIRECT COSTS (€) ( ) INDIRECT COSTS* (€) TOTAL ELIGIBLE Costs (€) (Direct+Indirect) equals (A+B) A. Tempus Grant (€) (90%) B. Co-financing (€) (10%) P1 UNI RS 67240,00 42878,00 88000,00 41200,00 14577,00 253895,00 17772,65 271667,65 17878 P2 UBG 52105,00 24444,00 52175,00 19575,00 10390,00 158689,00 11108,23 169797,23 15194 P3 UNS 50065,00 21954,00 54075,00 13100,00 8280,00 147474,00 10323,18 157797,18 14467 P4 UZE DK 43093,00 16788,00 2000,00 61881,00 4331,67 66212,67 12710 P5 UNICT IT 43584,00 16196,00 61780,00 4324,60 66104,60 12221 P6 IOE UK 45424,00 17522,00 5000,00 67946,00 4756,22 72702,22 12031 P7 RISP 2360,00 3842,00 180,00 6382,00 446,74 6828,74 P8 CIL 4250,00 7504,00 11934,00 835,38 12769,38 P9 SPPARS 3310,00 5842,00 9332,00 653,24 9985,24 P10 ACSW 3950,00 6082,00 10212,00 714,84 10926,84 TOTAL: 315381,00 163052,00 194250,00 82875,00 33967,00 789525,00 55266,75 844791,75 760290,75 84501,00 Breakdown among partners

4 Comments in Grant Agreement
Concerning the budget for "Travel Costs and Cost of Stay” it is noticed that it is not clearly described and justified. It is suggested· to organize the travel in order to combine more activities at the same time and plan them in advance to ensure good cost-efficiency. They have therefore decreased 'the budget by 10%. . .

5 It is estimated that the budget for "Printing and Publishing" is overestimated . They have therefore decreased this budget heading by 10%. . . It is suggested that the layout of website should be reallocated to the “Other Costs” budget heading. Following' this reduction, which had an impact on the total eligible direct Costs, the Staff Costs budget heading had to be adjusted in order to respect the ceilings of 40% of the total direct eligible costs.

I. PROJECT COSTS € I. REDUCED PROJECT COSTS CONDITIONS Direct costs 1 Staff costs ,00 ,00 Cannot exceed 40% of the total eligible direct costs 2 Travel costs and Costs of Stay ,00 ,00 3 Equipment ,00 Cannot exceed 30% of the total eligible direct costs 4 Printing and Publishing 82.875,00 72.587,50 5 Other costs 33.967,00 35.967,00 Total Eligible Direct Costs ,00 ,50 Indirect Costs 55.266,75 52.360,53 Flat rate funding of 7% of the total eligible direct costs or 0. TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS ,75 ,03 Must equal total project finance below II. PROJECT FINANCE € II. REDUCED PROJECT FINANCE € A Tempus Grant Requested ,75 ,55 Cannot exceed 90% of the total eligible costs B Co-financing 84.501,00 80.057,48 Must be at least 10% of the total eligible costs TOTAL PROJECT FINANCE (A+B) Must equal total eligible costs above A new reduced budget

7 We have reduced every budget cell proportionally to the reduction of EACEA.

8 (each university covers its own expenses)
Partner Ref. N° Short name of the organisation Country code (1) REDUCED Staff costs (€) (2) PROPORTIONALLY REDUCED Travel costs &costs of stay (€) (3) Equipment (€) (4) REDUCED Printing & Publishing (€) (5) Other costs (€) Total eligible DIRECT COSTS (€) (including proportionally reduced staff, travel and printing costs) ( ) INDIRECT COSTS* NIS TEAM PROPOSAL BASED ON AGREEMENT BETWEEN SERBIAN UNIVERSITIES (€) TOTAL ELIGIBLE Costs (€) (Direct+Indirect) equals (A+B) including proportionally reduced sstaff, travel and printing costs and Serban proposal of indirect costs A. Tempus Grant (€) (90%) including proportionally reduced sstaff, travel and printing costs and Serban proposal of indirect costs B. Co-financing (€) (10%) REDUCED P1 UNI RS 63790,81 38393,81 88000,00 37080,00 14577,00 239841,62 26.216,63 266058,25 ,37 16.937,88 P2 UBG 49432,19 21887,64 52175,00 17617,50 10390,00 149502,33 5.260,80 154763,13 ,11 14.395,02 P3 UNS 47496,83 19658,05 54075,00 11790,00 8280,00 140299,88 4.935,31 145235,19 ,94 13.706,25 P4 UZE DK 40882,47 15032,31 1800,00 60714,78 4.664,63 65379,41 53.337,77 12.041,64 P5 UNICT IT 41348,29 14502,22 57650,51 4.072,96 61723,47 50.145,11 11.578,35 P6 IOE UK 43093,90 15689,55 4500,00 65283,45 4.609,85 69893,29 58.494,95 11.398,34 P7 RISP 2238,94 3440,20 180,00 5859,14 438,26 6297,40 6.297,40 0,00 P8 CIL 4031,99 6719,23 10931,22 820,11 11751,33 11.751,33 P9 SPPARS 3140,21 5231,04 8551,25 641,35 9192,60 9.192,60 P10 ACSW 3747,38 5445,94 9373,32 700,65 10073,97 10.073,97 TOTAL: 299203,01 145999,99 194250,00 74587,50 33967,00 748007,50 52360,53 800368,04 720310,55 84501,00 To add/remove (a) row(s), select one WHOLE ROW, then on the upper Home menu click "Insert"/"Delete". (each university covers its own expenses)

9 Mandatory AUDIT requirement
Unplanned costs Mandatory AUDIT requirement Costs of accreditation for UNI 3 programme, UNS 1 programme Cost of application making

10 Costs of accreditation: each Serbian university for itself
Costs of audit: proportionally from other cost heading from Serbian Universities, plus indirect cost from partners who do not have co-financing requirement Costs of accreditation: each Serbian university for itself Costs of application preparation: Serbian universities proportionally from other costs (

11 299,203 : 315 381 X Partners staff costs
: X Partners travel costs 72 587,50 : X Partners publishing and printing Grant ,5 : ,75 Co-financing ,48 :

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