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Hans Mathias Kepplinger Richard Lemke

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Presentation on theme: "Hans Mathias Kepplinger Richard Lemke"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hans Mathias Kepplinger Richard Lemke
Communication in Conflicts: Instrumentalizing Fukushima

2 Media examined Germany Switzerland France United Kingdom
Germany Switzerland France United Kingdom National daily newspapers Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, Die Welt Tagesanzeiger, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Le Monde, Le Figaro Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Times Tabloid papers Bild Blick - The Sun Weekly newspapers and magazines Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, SPIEGEL, Focus Sonntagsblick, Weltwoche Le Point, Le Nouvelle Observateur Independent on Sunday, Observer, Sunday Telegraph Total 10 5 4 8

3 Extent of entire coverage in quality newspapers
Germany Switzer-land France United Kingdom SZ FAZ TA NZZ Monde Figaro Guar-dian Times Articles 256 457 249 248 235 163 113 99 State-ments 438 553 372 570 431 155 174 87 Images 105 98 60 54 72 63 86 83

4 Emphasis on the earthquake, tsunami and reactor accident
- number of articles and images -

5 Emphasis on various aspects of the reactor accident
- number of articles -

6 Thematization of domestic nuclear energy
- number of articles dealing with “nuclear energy in own country” -

7 Influence of commentary bias on the representation of Fukushima’s relevance to domestic nuclear energy Percentage of articles mentioning domestic nuclear energy among all articles that mention Fukushima R2=.29; p<.05 Bias of statements by journalists in comments

8 Influence of commentary bias on the tendency of coverage of nuclear energy
Bias of all statements in news R2=.00; p=n.s. Bias of statements by journalists in comments

9 Influence of commentary bias on the presentation of experts
Bias of all expert statements in news R2=.54; p<.01 Bias of statements by journalists in comments

10 Influence of commentary bias on the presentation of politicians’ opinions
Bias of all politicians’ statements in news R2=.49; p<.05 Bias of statements by journalists in comments

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