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Chapter 5 Root Locus.

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1 Chapter 5 Root Locus

2 In previous lecture Chapter 4 Routh Hurwitz Criterion
Steady-state error analysis

3 Today’s plan Construction of Root Locus

4 Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture, students should be able to: Sketch the root locus for a given system Identify the stability of a system using root-locus analysis

5 Introduction Root Locus illustrates how the poles of the closed-loop system vary with the closed-loop gain. Graphically, the locus is the set of paths in the complex plane traced by the closed-loop poles as the root locus gain is varied from zero to infinity.

6 KGc(s)H(s) 1 + KGc(s)H(s) =0 K Gc H
- C(s) K Gc R(s) H block diagram of the closed loop system given a forward-loop transfer function; KGc(s)H(s) where K is the root locus gain, and the corresponding closed-loop transfer function the root locus is the set of paths traced by the roots of 1 + KGc(s)H(s) =0 as K varies from zero to infinity. As K changes, the solution to this equation changes.

7 So basically, the root locus is sketch based on the characteristic equation of a given transfer function. Let say: Thus, the characteristic equation :

8 Root locus starts from the characteristic equation.
Split into 2 equations: Magnitude condition Angle condition where

9 If not satisfied Not part of root locus
Remarks If Si is a root of the characteristic equation, then 1+G(s)H(s) = 0 OR Both the magnitude and Angle conditions must be satisfied If not satisfied Not part of root locus

10 Example 1 -1 -2

11 Let say my first search point, S1
-1 -2 (A) Satisfy the angle condition FIRST (B) Magnitude condition to find K

12 Let say the next search point
-1 -2 Check whether satisfy angle condition Since angle condition was not satisfied  not part of root locus


14 Construction Rules of Root Locus
Assume Then

15 Thus

16 Rule 1 : When K = 0  Root at open loop poles
The R-L starts from open loop poles The number of segments is equal to the number of open loop poles

17 Rule 2: When K = ∞ The R-L terminates (end) at the open loop zeros

18 Rule 3: Real-axis segments
On the real axis, for K > 0 the root locus exists to the left of an odd number of real-axis, finite open-loop poles and/or finite open-loop zeros Example 2 R-L doesn’t exist here R-L exist here R-L exist here

19 Rule 4: Angle of asymptote
NP = number of poles NZ = number of zeros

20 Example 3 NP=3 NZ=0 Centroid

21 Rule 5: Centroid From example 3 Recall Thus, -1

22 Rule 6: Break away & break in points
-1 -1 -2 -2 Break away point Break in point How to find these points ?

23 Differentiate K with respect to S & equate to zero
How ? Solve for S  this value will either be the break away or break in point

24 Let say Thus,

25 Now, find Thus, So, notice that

26 Example 4 Solution: -1 -2

27 Example 5 -1 -2 NP = 3 NZ = 0

28 -1 -2

29 Break away point Invalid, why ???

30 How to determine these values ?
-1 -2 -0.42

31 From characteristic equation
Construct the Routh array

32 S3 1 2 S2 3 K S1 6-K/3 S0 Since Force S1 row to zero or K=6
Replace K=6 into S2 row

33 -1 -2 -0.42

34 Rule 7 : Angle of departure (arrival)
Finding angles of departure and arrival from complex poles & zero Root locus start from open loop poles  Angle of departure Root locus terminates at open loop zeros  Angle of departure

35 Angle of Departure

36 To make it easier to remember:
Replace in this equation Let’s change: and let k=0, we get Angles due to poles, keep using symbol θ Since Φp= Φp+360o Re-arrange Angles due to zeros, change to symbol β Thus, the angle of departure:

37 Angle of Arrival

38 To make it easier to remember:
Replace in this equation Let’s change: and let k=0, we get Angles due to poles, keep using symbol θ Re-arrange Thus, the angle of arrival: Angles due to zeros, change to symbol β

39 Angle of Departure Angle of Arrival

40 Example 6 Step 1: Determine poles & zeros Np=3 Nz=0 poles at :
Step 2: Maps poles & zeros on the s-plane 4 -3 -4

41 Step 3: Calculate angle of asymptote

42 Step 4: Determine centroid
poles: Step 5: Sketch asymptotes line with dotted line 4 -3 -2 -4

43 Step 6: Determine the break-away or break in points
Complex numbers NO break away or break in points  only exist on real-axis of s-plane

44 Step 7: Since complex poles exist, calculate the angle of departure
4 due to s=0 due to its complex conjugate -3 -4 How to determine θ?

45 To determine θ 4 -3 Thus: -4 Angle of departure : -36.87o Cross Hair

46 Step 8: Determine jω-crossing
see RULE 8 : After this Step 9: Sketch the root locus -36.87o 4 Rule 8 -3 -2 -4 36.87o

47 Rule 8 : R-L crosses jω-axis
From Characteristic equation:

48 Construct the Routh array
1 25 s2 6 K s1 (6(25)-K)/6= (150-K)/6 s0

49 Force row s1 to be zero, thus 150-K=0; K = 150
Substitute K = 150 into row s2 Since s = jω Thus

50 Final Sketch 5 -36.87o 4 -3 -2 10 points -4 36.87o -5

51 Try it Sketch the root locus for:


53 How to use Matlab to sketch root locus
In Matlab: num = [1 7 12] den = [1 3 2] rlocus(num,den)

54 Figure 8:10 page 438

55 Any Q’s ???

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