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Building a Positive School Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Positive School Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Positive School Culture
Dr. David Franklin

2 “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”
Peter Drucker

3 The education scale What we focus on … What truly matters … Programs
Curriculum Assessments Programs Culture


5 The Recipe of School culture
Leadership Instruction Outreach



8 What educators are saying …
A recent Gallop pole indicated the forty-six percent of teachers say they feel high daily stress. That's on par with nurses and physicians. And roughly half of teachers agree with this statement: "The stress and disappointments involved in teaching at this school aren't really worth it." A new AFT survey of more than 30,000 U.S. teachers finds that most of them report high levels of stress and low levels of autonomy, but it also shows that they are not ready to bail on the classroom. Teachers reported that they couldn’t admit to their leadership teams that their stress levels had become unbearable, that they were overworked, overstretched, underpaid, undervalued and ready to snap.

9 ! High Importance ? X Low High Urgency Low

10 Finding the Sweet Spot Purpose Talent… …. ……..Passion

11 Drive – Daniel Pink Motivation Autonomy Mastery Purpose

12 The Five Ingredients to a Strong, 21st century School culture
End Needless Micro-Managing of Teachers Be Mindful of Building Improvements The Student Council Coffee Cart Give teachers a Voice in Decision-Making Share Success With The Community

13 1. End Needless Micro-Managing of Teachers
Teachers need to be focused on one thing: students End unnecessary compliance tasks, meetings, reports Use technology to disseminate information Let teachers meet in alternative spaces Autonomy and accountability go hand in hand

14 Where would you rather meet?


16 2. Be Mindful of Building Improvements



19 2. Feasible Building Improvements
Planter boxes / barrels Benches Classroom Paint





24 3. The Student council coffee cart




28 4. Give teachers a voice in decision making


30 Teacher-centered Approach
Stop top-down models Giving local educators a voice brings the responsibility for decisions as close as possible to the school … defining how school staffs can work collaboratively to make these decisions … creating ownership for those responsible for carrying out decisions by involving them directly in the decision-making process an by trusting their abilities and judgments.


32 Share Success With Your Community

33 Information is power Immediate Facebook Twitter Website Marquee Signs

34 Create your own narrative about your school
Create your own narrative about your school. If you don’t, someone else will …

35 Thank you! Contact Information: @sfprincipal

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