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The Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "The Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc.
Awards Program

2 GCNC 2nd Vice President/Awards Chair
Darene Honeycutt GCNC 2nd Vice President/Awards Chair 167 Hudsontown Road Dunn, NC (910) or

3 New Information No electronic applications accepted
Mail SASE with application if you want your application returned (Mailed back to you after awards banquet at annual meeting.)

4 Make sure you have the most recent copy of the awards document; a few revisions have been posted to the website document. ●Yearbooks will be judged by NGC criteria; see new scoring sheet.

5 Common Mistakes Mailing applications to the donor of the award; make sure they are mailed to the category chair! EDUCATION TO CATEGORY CHAIRMAN: Teresa Langley North King Charles Rd., Raleigh 27510;   65. PEGGY POLAK AWARD FOR YOUTH EDUCATION Donor: Woodland Garden Club $25.00 awarded to a club providing education for a youth garden club/s in any setting, i.e., classroom, daycare, 4-­‐H or Scouts. 66. CHARLOTTE COUNCIL EDUCATION AWARD Donor: Charlotte Council of Garden Clubs $50.00 awarded for the best horticulture or environmental project/s that provides education to the public. This could include but is not limited to: seminars, workshops, programs, establishment of educational programs for a group, etc.

6 Application Form Forgetting to include the application form. The application form is actually page 1 of your 3 page award application. Entering club name incorrectly. Information is used to complete certificates. Certificates will not be reprinted due to this mistake. Failure to meet absolute deadline of Dec. 1; in the hands of the category chair, not postmark.

7 Not following directions
Read requirements carefully! Follow direction outlines to the point. Scoring guide is included in awards document.

8 Questions Category chairs know the answers to their specific awards.
Call them for assistance if needed. Contact Darene with questions.

9 Yearbooks Absolute deadline is November 1! No exceptions.
Judging process is difficult and lengthy. SAR deadline has to be met. New NGC scoring guide is included.

10 Ethics Award applications must be for current year’s work unless award states it is a two-year project. Respect the donors who provide the funds for the GCNC awards. First place may not be won for 2 consecutive years (exceptions noted in document).

11 New Awards #46: Gold Star Memorial Award
#144: Linda Schmmitt Holiday Decoration Award #201: Beverly Shearon Yearbook Award Change: For a club of 10 or less members. #152: Youth Membership Award has been changed to a scroll to match the adult membership award (no cash).

12 Tips from NGC Label photos Include landscape design plan if requested
Include budget for projects Observe page limit Member participation is very important

13 Award Donors needed 30 awards are due for renewal next year
Several past donors are not renewing See Darene if interested in sponsoring an award or proposing a new award

14 Maslin Award Award is to honor a member for state level garden club work. Guidelines will be strictly enforced Follow instructions in awards document!

15 Member Award of Honor Each district director should submit a district winner for this award. This award honors garden club members at a local and district level. Book of evidence required: follow instructions!

16 Category Chairs Mail 1st place winners to Darene Honeycutt no later than January 2. Include Category Chair judging sheets Place applications in SASE, seal, but do not mail until after the awards banquet at the GCNC annual meeting.

17 SAR & NGC Awards All award applications must be sent by the state awards chair. Do not send SAR or NGC award applications directly to these organizations.

18 SAR Awards SAR Special Project Plant, Protect, and Preserve our South Atlantic Region: Its national parks, state parks, public lands and community spaces. *Director Judy Barnes will share more with us.

19 NGC Awards Plant America Focused on Educating, Supporting, Publicizing and Building America's Garden Communities *See NGC website

20 Corrections to Awards Document
Award #163: Sponsor is Garden Club of the Sandhills; contact person Marilyn Grube Linda McLendon not 1 Flower Shows Category Chair (p. 57) is Marge Silber National Garden Week Chair: Tamra Thomas Donor List updates (several incorrect) Awards 171 & 173 were missing in Gardener

21 Group Discussion Questions? Suggestions Concerns Other

22 Door Prizes 1st person on sign-in sheet
1st time attending an awards workshop New member to GCNC in 2017 1st time attending a GCNC Fall Board Meeting Club has never applied for an award

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