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Presentation on theme: "DISTRICT 7610 PI AWARD CRITERIA:"— Presentation transcript:

In Rotary Year , each Club, within District 7610, is eligible to be awarded both District & Zone Public Image (PI) Citations. The Zone PI citation award criteria is reproduced, here below. It is rather straight forward and therefore requires no explanation. In order for a Club to qualify for the District PI Citation Award, a Club President or his PI Chair must review evidence or details which certify that his-her Club has completed various public image (PI) activities from the ‘check list’, here below. Five activities must be completed—including two REQUIRED activities. From the listings, here below, simply check the boxes of completed activities. Sign & date the form. That’s it… Its simple. If a club wants their citation to include, “With Excellence and with Distinction”, check any seven boxes—including the two required activities. Send the executed ‘paper form’ by ‘snail mail’ or preferably as an attachment to: Pat & Dave Borowski, 6824 Pacific Lane, Annandale with an notification of the number of checked boxes verified to: The executed form MUST be postmarked or ed by March 1, in order for the citations to be presented at the District Awards Dinner. The District and Zone criteria are compatible and, therefore, each Club is encouraged to qualify for BOTH!!! DISTRICT 7610 PI AWARD CRITERIA: REQUIRED ACTIVITIES (Must check each to qualify) Appoint a specific Rotarian in your Club to be in charge of PI. He-She should communicate with the Area District PI-Membership Advisor, periodically, and/or when contacted. Visit the District 7610 Website and Update club brochure.

2 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES (Must check three of the activities listed, here below, to qualify or five boxes for the Club PI Citation to include, “With Excellence and with Distinction”, (in addition to completing the two previously mentioned REQUIRED activities): Establish a Club PI Organizational Chart Host an event to inform the community about Rotary and its Foundation’s centennial. Get local media to cover an outstanding club project Involve local media with at least one club event, project or fundraiser Get media coverage for a Rotary Day Event (e.g., ‘Done in a Day’) Establish a Club website or enhance your Club’s existing one Start or update an electronic club newsletter Use social networking to publicize at least one of your club’s ‘signature’ activities Hold at least one fellowship, networking or collaborative event that is open to the public Have at least one media person as a member of your club OR as an honorary Club member OR as a ‘Friend of Rotary’ OR as your Club’s ‘Citizen of the Year’ Post at least one project in Rotary showcase Submit at least one story to the District OR Foundation newsletter OR to a non-Rotary media source Confirm that a Rotarian in your club has been interviewed or quoted by a Rotary OR non-Rotary media source Take out an advertising placement in Chesapeake PETS Program Booklet –contact Take out an advertising placement in a local school’s newspaper or yearbook Display: a sign, banner, oversized check, or poster at a public event (e.g., a parade, fair, etc.) Confirm that your club is featured on the website of another community service organization Confirm that at least one Club member serves at the District level in a position that is connected to PI: (e.g., PI Co-Chair, PI Committee Member (Photographer, Newsletter, Website/Database, Social Media, Citizen of the Year, Awards/Recognition, or Area Public Image/Membership Advisor) Print or type name of Club President or Club PI Chair _________________________________________ Written signature or re-type name again to confirm _________________________________________



Membership development and extension are essential to achieving Rotary’s goals of providing community and international service. While the responsibility for Rotary extension falls to the District Governor and the Extension Chair, every Rotary Club and Club Member shares the responsibility of proposing qualified new members and retaining existing members. To recognize membership growth in existing clubs, retention of current club members, and the establishment of new clubs, the following will be awarded for Rotary Year All Awards are based on initial membership as reported on July 1, 2016 at Rotary Club Central. Membership Percentage Increase. Membership Recruitment. Membership Total Number Increase. Membership Retention (the retention rate is the percentage of club members who joined the club on or before July 1 and are still members of the club on May 15th, (Any member who passes away during the year will not be counted as leaving for purpose of the award.) Membership Development Initiative (What has the club initiated to attract new members back into the club this Rotary Year?) 6) Outstanding Area Membership Advisor. For further information, contact the Membership Award Chair—W. Glenn Yarborough, Jr. Club: McLean


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