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Population test review

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1 Population test review

2 Write the formula for calculating doubling time…
70 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual percent growth rate

3 Write the formula for calculating annual percent growth rate/ natural increAse
BIRTHS – DEATHS _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10


_____________________________________________________________________ LAND AREA


7 What is the current world growth rate? 2 % 2.1% 1.2% 1.8% 2.5%
Correct answer is 1.2% The current world growth rate is approximately 1.2%, roughly 80 million people are added each year.

8 Correct answer is 58 years
At the current rate of growth, how long will it take for the current human population to double? 25 years 86 years 12 years 58 years 70 years Correct answer is 58 years 70/1.2 = 58

9 Original population size Crude birth rate + immigration
To determine the number of individuals that will be added to a population, you need to multiple the growth rate by Number of immigrants Crude birth rate Original population size Crude birth rate + immigration Final population size Correct answer is ORIGINAL POPULATION SIZE Birth rates and immigration play a role in determining growth rate, but cannot be used to determine the number of individuals that are added to a population

10 Humans have few offspring, but their young survive at a very high rate
Which best describes the reason for the very rapid growth of the uman population since the industrial revolution? Humans have few offspring, but their young survive at a very high rate Environmental resistance does not apply to humans The biotic potential for humans has increased Climatic change favorable to humans has allowed our species to expand its range Technology has allowed the species to overcome some environmental resistance. Correct answer is TECHNOLOGY HAS ALLOWED THE SPECIES TO OVERCOME SOME ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE The rapid growth of the human population since the industrial revolution has been primarily due to technological advances in agriculture (increased food production) and improved medical care (reducing death rates)

11 Improved disease control
Which of the following factors would increase the total fertility rate? Improved nutrition Advancing the total time of reproduction per woman so she does not have to worry about being too old to have child Improved education Improved disease control Having women be responsible for raising food in an agricultural society Correct answer is HAVING WOMEN BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RAISING FOOD IN AN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Improved nutrition, postponing the age at which a woman begins to have children, improved education and improved disease control would all increase fertility and birth rates When women are responsible for growing, maintaining, harvesting, and preparing food...there will be a need to have more children to help

12 The most critical factor in controlling human population growth is
Decreasing the average number of births per woman Controlling the length of one’s reproductive life span Decreasing the age of first birth for a woman Decreasing infant mortality Increasing medical care and overall wellness for the human population Correct answer is DECREASING THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF BIRTHS PER WOMAN All factors listed are important...but decreasing the total fertility rate...average number of births per woman is the most critical

13 World population growth rate has slowed
World population growth rate has slowed...however the world population is still growing Global birth rates have not declined as much as death rates, therefore human population has continued to rise

14 Life expectancy is still decreasing in Africa due to AIDS
Despite the trend that the world population growth rate is slowing down, environmentalists are still concerned about the environmental impact of the world population principally because The standard of living is increasing in many developing countries, leading to an increased per capita use of natural resources Life expectancy is still decreasing in Africa due to AIDS People are living longer in developed nations, putting a strain on the economies of the countries The standard of living is poor in many developing countries, leading to a great deal of deprivation and suffering Fertility is falling due to exposure to endocrine disruptors released in to the environment

15 The standard of living is increasing in many developing countries, leading to an increased per capita use of natural resources A growing population in developing countries is leading to increased use of natural resources

16 Survivorship curve type Migration
To determine a country’s growth rate, it would be important to know all of the following except Birth rates Death rates Survivorship curve type Migration Survivorship curve type does not apply to calculating a country’s growth rate (births + immigration) – (deaths + emigration) = the change in a population

17 What is the replacement fertility rate?
Restores the population size after a catastrophic event Is a contraceptive technique Is below 2.0 in Latin America and the Caribbean Is below 2.1 in Africa Is equal to 2.1 in stable populations 2.1 in stable populations is the correct answer Replacement fertility is equal to 2.1 in stable populations. It takes two children to replace the mother and father, and the extra 0.1 accounts for the risk of a child dying before reaching reproductive age. If the TFR drops below 2.1 population size will shrink. With the growing populations in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, the TFR is considerably greater than 2.1

18 If a population doubles in 20 years, what is the growth rate of that country?
1.4 0.3 2.5 3.5 3.0 3. 5 is the answer Doubling time formula: 70/growth transpose the formula...growth rate= 70/DT So 70/20 =3.5

19 Which country has used a “one child” policy for the last 35 years as a means to control population growth? Bangladesh Europe China Zimbabwe Malaysia China The policy has slowed growth rate in China...however, it has created a serious gender imbalance in the country

20 Which of the following is a true statement about the total fertility of a society?
The total fertility of a society decreases as the society progresses through the demographic transition phases The total fertility of a society is negatively correlated with the number of women of child bearing age The total fertility of a society is the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate The total fertility of a society is the number of children necessary for a couple to replace themselves in the next generation The total fertility of a society is positively correlated with the average education of women

21 The total fertility of a society decreases as the society progresses through the demographic transition phases As countries become more modernized & industrialized...couples tend to have fewer children

22 TEST REVIEW 2… 1. If a country has a CDR of 8 and CBR of 13, what would be the growth rate? 2. What type of survivorship curve would amphibians and most fish show? Australia has a land area of 8.2 million km2 and a population of 19.7 million people. Ethiopia has a land area of 1.12 million km2 and a population of 70 million people. Which country has the highest population density? Type of growth/graph represented by a population whose growth rises sharply at first and then begins to level off as the effects of limiting factors become stronger… TRUE or FALSE: Improved nutrition would increase TFR TRUE or FALSE: Access to education would increase TFR TRUE or FALSE: The rate at which the world population has been growing has slowed in the past 50 years, but the human population is still getting larger TRUE or FALSE: High rates of female literacy results in high population growth rates. TRUE or FALSE: Countries with low per capita income have high population growth. TRUE or FALSE: Populations with stable age distribution is best described as a large population growing a t a constant rate.

23 TEST REVIEW 2… 1. If a country has a CDR of 8 and CBR of 13, what would be the growth rate? % 2. What type of survivorship curve would amphibians and most fish show? Type 2 Australia has a land area of 8.2 million km2 and a population of 19.7 million people. Ethiopia has a land area of 1.12 million km2 and a population of 70 million people. Which country has the highest population density? Ethiopia: people/million km2 (compared to Australia at 2.4 people/million km2) Type of growth/graph represented by a population whose growth rises sharply at first and then begins to level off as the effects of limiting factors become stronger… logistic growth TRUE or FALSE: Improved nutrition would increase TFR TRUE or FALSE: Access to education would increase TFR TRUE or FALSE: The rate at which the world population has been growing has slowed in the past 50 years, but the human population is still getting larger TRUE or FALSE: High rates of female literacy results in high population growth rates. TRUE or FALSE: Countries with low per capita income have high population growth. TRUE or FALSE: Populations with stable age distribution are best described as a large population growing a t a constant rate.

24 B A 11. Which country’s growth is expanding?
12. What problems might COUNTRY A face in the future? 13. What problems might COUNTRY B face in the future? 14. In which country is TOTAL FERTILITY RATE (TFR) LESS THAN REPLACEMENT LEVEL? 15. Which country shows an aging population? A B

25 B A 11. Which country’s growth is expanding? A
12. What problems might COUNTRY A face in the future? Depletion of resources (due to increased population) What problems might COUNTRY B face in the future? Supporting aging population 14. In which country is TOTAL FERTILITY RATE (TFR) LESS THAN REPLACEMENT LEVEL? B 15. Which country shows an aging population? B A B

26 16. What is the first significant change that occurs in a country undergoing demographic transition?
17. As a country goes through the demographic transition, the greatest rate of population growth takes place during which phase? 18. During which two phases does zero population growth occur? 19. What is a likely cause of the high death rates in phase 2? 20. In which phase do you see declining death rates (possibly due to increased food production & improved medical care) and high birth rates? 21. When is the rate of population growth starting to slow down?

27 16. What is the first significant change that occurs in a country undergoing demographic transition?
Death rates decline As a country goes through the demographic transition, the greatest rate of population growth takes place during which phase? transitional 18. During which two phases does zero population growth occur? Stages 1 & 4/5 19. What is a likely cause of the high death rates in phase 2? Infant mortality In which phase do you see declining death rates (possibly due to increased food production & improved medical care) and high birth rates? transitional 21. When is the rate of population growth starting to slow down? Beginning of 3

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