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AT THE TIPPING POINT Until 2050, economic growth, changing consumption patterns, climate change and population growth will increase global energy demand.

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2 AT THE TIPPING POINT Until 2050, economic growth, changing consumption patterns, climate change and population growth will increase global energy demand by 30-40% and global food demand by 70% Heavily depending on the availability of water resources, water supply, energy and food security will face difficult trade-offs if business as usual continues By 2030, a 40% overall gap between global water supply and demand is expected

3 AT THE TIPPING POINT Up to 50% of water is lost in developing countries and up to 28% in developed countries before it reaches the actual consumer, mainly due to poor infrastructure. This directly affects the energy costs of the service providers, increasing the costs of water supply. Wastage in the process of food production and consumption is considerable. About 25% of all food is discarded in the U.S., which means the wastage of the same amount of drinking water and almost 300 million barrels of oil (about 4% of total U.S. consumption).

4 AT THE TIPPING POINT Within the next decades, the way we deal with water, energy and food security will strongly influence economic growth, poverty eradication and preservation of important ecosystems

5 Green Economy Definition
“An economy that results in improved human well-being and reduced inequalities over the long term, while not exposing future generations to significant environmental risks and ecological scarcities.“ (UNEP 2010, GE-Report Preview) Taking up these issues, the German federal government is initiating discussion on the framing of one aspect of the Earth Summit by launching a conference on the topic of "The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus - Water Resources in the Green Economy" (working title) to be held in Bonn at the end of 2011. The concept of the 'green economy' opens up a new perspective on the meaning of the sustainable use of water. It demands that we see water and its sustainable management in relation to the ecological growth of core economic sectors and to a sustainable path of economic development.

6 AT THE TIPPING POINT “Water, energy and food security have always been interlinked and interdependent. However, as we get to better understand the planetary limits of growth and consumption in an environmentally constrained world, this nexus has acquired new and more vigorous dimensions. Achieving water, energy and food security has thus become more urgent and yet ever more difficult and complicated.” Asad Khan Vice-Chair of the Bureau for the Rio 2012 Preparatory Process “…Any strategy that focuses on one part of the water-food-energy nexus without considering its interconnections risks serious unintended consequences...” World Economic Forum Global Risk Report 2011

Think interlink! Being prepared for a resource scarce future and meeting today’s access challenges (water, energy and food) requires solutions that take into account all three sides of the water, food and energy security nexus


9 BONN2011 CONFERENCE „Outcomes of the Bonn2011 Conference will be an important contribution to the Rio2012 Conference“ German Chancellor Angela Merkel The conference is one of the official preparation conferences of the Rio2012 Conference Bonn2011 will bring together leaders from governments, businesses, NGOs, donors, and UN agencies to discuss the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus

10 PREPARATORY PROCESS International Steering Committee German Advisory Board Satellite Discussions Structured Multistakeholder Dialogue (major groups)

WHY ? Sensitization of important players in the green economy debate on the relevance of the water, energy and food security nexus Promotion of the Bonn 2011 Conference Organisation of side-events, presentations in plenary sessions and back-to-back meetings The linking of the Bonn 2011 Conference to already existing initiatives and conferences creates synergies and provides important contributions (esp. from other sectors) to the contents of the conference HOW ?

12 BONN2011 GOALS The Bonn 2011 Conference provides a multi-stakeholder platform to create a better understanding of the interlinkages between the sectors and to develop a joint perspective on common challenges and their interrelations discuss options and solutions as well as enabling framework conditions and incentives for change for those topics which bear the largest positive impact potential

13 Conference Process Understanding challenges and intersecting “hotspots” Innovation Lab – learning from what works Identifying common enablers & incentives Policy recommendations & suggested initiatives

14 Bonn 2011 Conference: Draft Conference Programme Overview
CONFERENCE STRUCTURE Bonn 2011 Conference: Draft Conference Programme Overview DAY 1: Wednesday, 16. November Start Registration Excursions Preparatory Sessions Closed Events Lunch Opening High Level Segment Speeches, Keynotes, Paneldiscussion Social/Cultural Event 16-18 November 2011 World Conference Center Bonn

15 World Conference Center Bonn
CONFERENCE STRUCTURE DAY 2: Thursday 17. November Opening Plenary Understanding the Water, Energy, Food Security Nexus Strategy Panel 1 Accelerating access, integrating the bottom of the pyramid Hot Topic Thematic Session Good Practise Presentations Practical Sessions Lunch Political Plenary Strategy Panel 2 Creating more with less Global web-based discussion Strategy Panel 3 Investing to sustain eco-system services Innovation Lab Plenary Discussion Social/Cultutral Event 16-18 November 2011 World Conference Center Bonn

16 World Conference Center Bonn
CONFERENCE STRUCTURE DAY 3: Friday 18. November Enabling environment and incentives for Water, Energy, Food Security Final Plenary (Outcomes) - High Level Panel - Presentation of Recommendations, Initiatives, Messages to Rio2012 Lunch Excursions 16-18 November 2011 World Conference Center Bonn

17 World Conference Center Bonn
CONFERENCE OUTCOMES Positioning the Water-Energy-Food Security perspective as an important dimension within the Rio2012 process and the Green Economy debates Developing policy recommendations focusing on cross-sectoral approaches Launching of specific initiatives to address the water, energy, food security nexus in a coherent and a sustainable way 16-18 November 2011 World Conference Center Bonn

18 16-18 November 2011
World Conference Center Bonn, Germany

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