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Providing Security for Embedded Devices Through Virtualization

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Security for Embedded Devices Through Virtualization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Security for Embedded Devices Through Virtualization
Student: Brahim Sabir Advisor: Dr.A.Ferrante , Ing.F.Regazzoni ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano

2 ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design
Outline Introduction Embedded Systems today. Evolution of ES software architectures. Fundamentals to create more secure ES. Studied ES architecture. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 1

3 ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design
Introduction Virtualization Multiple operating systems One physical machine. Why Virtualize? Cost savings, Better Resources Utilization, Better security. Goal of the project : providing security for ES through this technique. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 2

4 Embedded Systems today
Trends : Increasing complexity(HW, SW, more functions), SW have unrestricted access to hardware resources. Increasing connectivity and openness. New applications services, management needs. Device requirements : High performance, constrained resources, reliability safety and security. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 3

5 Evolution of ES Software architecture (1)
Simple Hardware software partitioning. Software on the device are in equal right access to the hardware. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 4

6 Evolution of ES Software architecture(2)
Separation of the operating system: all the applications that run on top of OS will separate in one or more processes which were isolated in address space. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 5

7 Fundamentals to create more secure ES
Splitting complex software. Limit the amount of software running in privileged mode. Least authority Principle. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 6

8 Studied ES architecture
Requirements : Minimized Kernel. A level of performance. Embedded systems demand small memory footprint. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 7

9 ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design
Future works Implement the explored solution. Propose a solution to provide security for Embedded devices. ALaRI – Master of Advanced Studies in Embedded Systems Design University of Lugano 8

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