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The Art of Stained Glass and the Science Behind it

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1 The Art of Stained Glass and the Science Behind it

2 What is stained glass and where do we usually find it?

3 Kreattiv The KREATTIV funding programme engages educators and creative practitioners in dialogue and collaboration while encouraging students and educators towards further engagement within the creative sector. KREATTIV aims to bring creative practitioners into schools to work with teachers and students to inspire, learn and create in a collaborative and innovative way.

4 Kreattiv The programme The aims of the fund are to :
Start a creative project in classrooms, schools and colleges through collaborations between teachers, students and creative practitioners and, in so doing, to facilitate creative education as a key tool for holistic development. Introduce children and young people to potential careers in the cultural and creative sector. Embed cultural and creative entrepreneurship in schools as expressed in the National Cultural Policy. Encourage collaboration between educational institutions, the culture and creative industries, and other relevant sectors such as science and technology. Create employment opportunities for creative professionals.

5 Meet our Creative Practitioner: Mr Carmel Azzopardi
Creative artist and electrical marine engineer Worked for 14 year at the University of Malta as Senior Lab Officer at IEPC department of the Faculty of Engineering A member of the Malta Crafts Portal and took part in the Premju Gieh L-Artigjanat for several years His works cover the techniques in pottery, ceramics, sculpture, glass modelling, art –painting with different medium, restoration works, textile works, wood-turning and steel works.






11 The manufacturing of stained glass
Manufacturing Tools Glass Cutting Diamond Splitting Plier Grinding stone 300 watt soldering Iron Good reliable Scissors Eye protection google Soft protection gloves

12 The Manufacture of stained glass
Materials Pieces of coloured cathedral glass Cardboard to create pattern Copper foil to enclose glass in U shaped format Solder to melt and to make copper edges

13 Science behind Stained Glass
White light is made up of the 7 colours (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). When white light shines on a red object, all the colours that form white light are absorbed, except red, which is reflected. This is why the object appears red.

14 Science behind Stained Glass
A filter is a transparent material that absorbs some colours and allows other colours to pass through. A red colour filter will let through only red and absorbs all other colours. A blue colour filter will let through only blue and absorbs all other colours.

15 White light and the mixture of colours

16 Science behind Stained Glass
White light on blue object – appear blue (All colours absorbed except blue which is reflected) Same in red object Any single colour light onto a white object – appears the same colour as it is the only colour emitted and reflected. White light on black object – appears black as all colours are absorbed, nothing reflected.

17 Our Kreattiv Project A safe way how to do these stained glass replicas is by using filters and aluminium foil, instead of coloured glass and soldering techniques. Interested students will be asked to design their own stained glass replicas under a certain theme that they choose under the guidance of the Artesian. This could be either abstract art or related to various subjects taught in school so as to be interdisciplinary. These stained glass replicas will first be assembled in the school hall as part of the extension to the stage for the pantomime and finally they should be assembled in the school foyer for everybody to enjoy. These could be enjoyed from both inside and outside school. This project will have an impact on both the school community as well as the whole community in general. In all there should be 18 stained glass replicas.


19 Aim of project To provide an opportunity for the students to engage themselves in creativity. To inspire them to learn and develop the artistic emotions and technical procedure required to complete the end product in a collaborative and in an innovative way. This collaboration is between the students, the teachers and the creative practitioner. To create a showcase of the students’ abilities in the entrance of the school. Students take ownership of their own learning.

20 Designs & Ideas

21 Interested students to contact: Ms Buttigieg Lab 151 Weekly session during Midday break on Wednesdays

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