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The Communication Qualities

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1 The Communication Qualities
Effective Communication Unit 2 English 11/12

2 Courtesy & Mutual Regard
What is courtesy? Courtesy is the sincere expression of concern, respect, and goodwill. Courtesy is shown through actions and words.

3 Courtesy & Mutual Regard
Exchange greetings or salutations Reflects interest and positive interactions Use of appropriate tone

4 Courtesy & Mutual Regard
Friendly Expectations Each person has a role to play If expectations are not met, a person may feel something is wrong. Cooperation If you show you have the same goals, people will know that you are willing to cooperate. Promptness Reply must be returned in a reasonable amount of time. Showing Goodwill Appreciation, Attention, Reassurance, Good wishes, sympathy, Concern

5 Consideration

6 Consideration & Tone Friendly tone welcomes
Unfriendly tone fractures communication How to build a foundation of consideration: Showing assistance Giving special assistance to a person’s feelings Demonstrate helpfulness

7 Consideration & Tone I – Attitude You – Attitude
Showing personal interests instead of having the focus on them. Use of personal pronouns (I, me, my, mine, our, we) I (like, think, expect, am) My (thoughts) When you focus attention on them and their interests. Using the word you appropriately Your (report, suggestions, etc.) You (thank, did, completed)

8 Consideration & Tone Using I and You
I shows selfishness and personal priorities You can make others defensive A writer and speaker must be sensitive to a receiver’s feelings and/or expectations

9 Consideration & Tone Insensitive Sensitive
You forgot to sign this check. You did not finish the project on time. You failed to communicate the instructions. The check was not signed. The project was not completed on time. The instructions were not communicated.

10 Equal Treatment When communicating it is very important to show equal treatment. Pronouns Always refer to both sexes/genders Ex: Each employee said she or he could attend a 3:00 pm meeting. Remain gender neutral by using plural antecedents Ex: All employees said they could attend a 3:00 pm meeting.

11 Equal Treatment Neutral Nouns Always avoid a sexist tone
Sexist Phrasing Ex: Each teacher strives to motivate her students. Nonsexist Phrasing Ex: Each teacher strives to motivate his or her students.

12 Consideration Names and Titles
Addressing people exactly in the form they use/expect. Use titles but also preferences Dr., Miss, Ms. Mrs., first name, nicknames, professional courtesies Use Dr. before the name of someone who holds a doctoral degree. Ex: Mrs. Andrea Flocken, now Dr. Andrea Flocken Only use nicknames in informal conversations Address teachers by proper title (Miss, Mrs. Mr., Ms.) Use Ms. if you are unsure of proper title

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