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Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

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Presentation on theme: "Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success
Gweithdy 3 Workshop 3 Deall Llais y Dysgwr ac ymateb iddo Understanding and responding to the Learner Voice Ben Kinross, National Society of Apprentices / Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Prentisiaid Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

2 Understanding and responding to apprentice voice
Ben Kinross

3 National Society of Apprentices In Wales

4 What's it for Help apprentices get together and make apprenticeships better where they live and around the UK. Carry out research to make sure we know the facts. Help apprentices get involved in their communities. Make sure all apprenticeships are good quality.

5 Research Events Help change apprenticeships
What do we do Research Events Help change apprenticeships

6 For the sceptics

7 Where’s it from & what does it do
Education: Freire, Hooks, Jeffs, Coffield If you are part of the process you have part of the solution Identifying what works and what doesn’t Finding solutions together - coproduction

8 What should an apprenticeship look like?
Statement: Apprenticeships should make it easier to get a job Apprentices should have opportunities to learn in different companies

9 What should an apprenticeship look like?
Statement: Apprenticeships should last at least two years Apprenticeships should only be available in engineering and trades

10 Apprentice Voice Surveys

11 Auszubildendevertretung
JAV als Gewerkschaftsarbeit Anerkennung und Fortbildung Ausbildung, Sozialegerechtigkeit und konkurenzfaehigkeit

12 Activity Identify 5 decision makers that affect apprenticeships in your organization What can they make decisions about?

13 NSoAW in practice

14 What do we need to actually do?
Here are 6 activities other providers have used: Data Data Data Do it again but different All about the Money Drop in, don’t drop out Meet the decision maker Telling Stories

15 Meet the new boss Congratulations, you’re now in in charge of how apprenticeships work. Being the boss has its perks, you get to tell people what to do – more of that later. Being the boss also means making some tough decisions, including where to spend the money. Using the budget allocated to you decide what your spending priorities would be. What deserves a lot of your attention and money, what’s not so important?

16 Priorities Pay Respect as an apprentice Careers Advice
Treatment at work Transport Relationship between Work and Training Learning on the job Learning off the job Making sure apprentices get a job when they finish Sexism and other discrimination Enough Apprenticeships Cost of living

17 NSoAW areas of work

18 NSoA Report Cost of Living Apprenticeship Pay
The Apprenticeship Triangle Quality Learning Sexism and Discrimination

19 Collaboration Developing apprentice voice Delivering events Online hub
Apprentice Extra

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