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Lesson 17 1 Sam 1-3 Eli and Samuel.

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1 Lesson 17 1 Sam 1-3 Eli and Samuel

2 Arimathea Ramah

3 Moving Forward We jump forward in the Bible to continue chronologically with the narrative of the period of the judges We will return to the book of Judges later We will also cover Ruth The remainder of the book of Judges and the book of Ruth form “appendices” to the period of the judges

4 Samuel’s Family Elkanah was from Ramathaim-Zophim in the mountains of Ephraim Was Elkanah of the tribe of Ephraim? 1 Chron. 6:26 tells us that he was of the tribe of Levi How do we explain this? Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah and Hannah Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not

5 Samuel’s Family Every year, Elkanah would go to Shiloh to worship
He gave Peninnah and her sons a portion of the sacrifice He gave Hannah a double portion because she had no sons and he loved her Peninnah would mock her Elkanah would say, “Why are you sad? Am I not better to you than 10 sons?”

6 Hannah Prays for Samuel
After the sacrifice meal, Hannah went to the temple to pray She wept bitterly and prayed earnestly She made a vow that if Jehovah would give her a son, she would give him back Her lips moved, but her voice was not heard Eli saw this and thought she was drunk Eli rebuked her She respectfully explains and denies being drunk

7 Samuel Is Born After worshipping, they returned to Ramah
Hannah conceived and bore Samuel, which means “Heard by God” Every year, when Elkanah would go to worship the Lord, Hannah would stay home with Samuel She did this until Samuel was weaned because she planned to give him to the service of the Lord in the tabernacle

8 Samuel Serves the Lord After he was weaned, she took him with 3 bulls, and ephah of flour, and a skin of wine She offered the sacrifice and gave the child to Eli She told Eli who she why she was leaving Samuel there

9 Hannah’s Prayer Hannah prays a beautiful prayer
The theme is the power, holiness, and salvation of Jehovah The proud and mighty are brought low and the humble are exalted There is even a bit of a retort to Peninnah’s provocation There is a messianic reference at the end

10 Eli’s Sons Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were very wicked
The custom was for the priest to get boiled meat from a flesh hook However, Hophni and Phinehas would insist that they be given their meat before the sacrifice was offered If denied, they would take it by force! It was so bad, that men avoided offering sacrifices!

11 Samuel Ministers Meanwhile, Samuel ministers to the Lord at the tabernacle in Shiloh Hannah would make him a garment and bring it yearly Eli would bless Elkanah, saying, “Jehovah give you descendants from this woman.” Hannah had 3 other sons and 2 daughters Samuel grew before the Lord

12 Eli Rebukes His Sons Eli told his sons that he did not hear good things about them They were causing the people to sin Eli said, “If one sins against a man, God will judge him. Who will intercede if one sins against God?” His sons did not listen and continued in their wickedness

13 A Man of God Visits Eli A man of god (a prophet) visits Eli and rebukes him Eli did not show the position of the priesthood the proper respect by allowing his sons to pervert it Eli “honored his sons more than God” Hophni and Phinehas will die in the same day There will not be an old man in Eli’s house

14 Samuel Receives the Word
The word of the Lord was rare when Samuel was a boy While Eli was lying down, God called Samuel Samuel thought it was Eli, so he ran to see him This happened three times After this, Eli knew it was God, and told Samuel what to do

15 Samuel Receives the Word
When the Lord spoke this time, Samuel said, “Speak LORD, Your servant hears.” The Lord told Samuel about the judgment of Eli’s house Samuel was afraid to tell Eli, but he did Samuel grew in the Lord and the Lord was with him All Israel recognized Samuel as a prophet

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