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Welcome SENIOR Watson’s Winners!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome SENIOR Watson’s Winners!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome SENIOR Watson’s Winners!
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.” -- anonymous

2 Welcome SENIOR Watson’s Winners!
Open House

3 Tonight’s agenda Overview of 5th grade curriculum and The Watson Way of doing things. Conference sign-up (at the back table).

4 How 5th Grade works Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Language Arts are all taught by Mrs. Watson. Regular communication between the Grade Five teachers.

5 5th Grade Themes

6 5th Grade themes Increased responsibility More personal accountability
Higher expectations for all We are now school leaders We all live the “Ox Ridge Code” (S.T.A.R. program) and Model Citizenship

7 5th Grade themes Strong study and homework habits are the goal.
Organization is crucial to success (make use of the tools you have). “Little things mean a lot”; doing your best on even the smallest tasks.

8 The Watson’s Winners Blog!
Communication The Watson’s Winners Blog! Phone ( , x4674)

9 Mrs. Watson’s tips for 5th grade parents…
Encourage independence (as appropriate for your child) and try to get your child to take full ownership of his/her homework responsibilities and study habits. It’s still perfectly appropriate to offer your child guidance, structure, feedback, general suggestions and encouragement, BUT – Try to resist the urge to over-correct homework errors co-create projects, drive back to school for forgotten work, etc. (I know it’s hard!). Signature does not mean you are being graded too!

10 MORE tips for 5th grade parents
Help your child with time management/scheduling. Help your child come up with a homework routine (quiet place to work with as few distractions as possible, regular time/place for homework, etc.) Encourage your child to communicate with teachers (social issues, extra help, finding out right away about what they’ve missed following an absence).

11 Even more tips… Please perform (at least semi-regularly) “Backpack exams” (check out the Assignment Planner in particular). Visit the Blog for the whole truth about class and/or homework assignments! Due to our schedule, please try to avoid early pick-ups whenever possible.

12 Literacy Block (“Active Reading”)
THE READER’S WORKSHOP: Read and Respond/Book Club Reading books that are “just right” for us Sharing thoughts with peers regularly Making connections to the reading Inferring meaning/drawing conclusions Finding the Main Idea, predicting, questioning Reading for detail/information; recalling facts Summarizing vs. retelling Continue strengthening overall comprehension

Diverse writing genres and “Free Write” (i.e. narrative, expository, persuasive, literary, creative, poetry) Strategies for and Traits of good writing Organizing ideas into a writing “plan” Elaborating, adding supporting details Proofreading/editing a piece

Having a “Balanced Reading Diet”: read many genres, including POETRY! Revising/improving a piece Expressing (and supporting) your opinions Spelling Grammar/Punctuation/Conventions Vocabulary

15 Math Dr. Math – “Vhat Seems to be zhe Problem?” EMPHASIS ON:
Critical Thinking Skills Place Value and Overall Number Sense Problem-Solving Processes The Importance of The Check Mathematical Communication

16 Social Studies Emphasis on study skills (some test prep)
The Roads the Led to America (European) Explorers of the Americas The 13 Original Colonies The French and Indian War The American Revolution Intro. to the Constitution Current Events

17 Science CONTENT: Earth and Space Systems, Sound, Light, Health
Emphasis on critical/scientific thinking skills Experiential learning through experiments Learning/Using the Scientific Method Scientific Communication Ties to other content areas and skills

18 In closing… I’m looking forward to a terrific year with your child! Thank you for taking the time to come in tonight and joining the “Watson’s Winners” Team! Always feel free to contact me with questions or )

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