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Guidelines for Oral Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for Oral Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines for Oral Presentation
An oral Presentation should have the following: Title Introduction Body conclusions Questions

2 Guidelines for Oral Presentation
Materials should be presented in Clear and logical order with emphasis on important material, Key Ideas Organized professional

3 Technical Content of presentation
Logical Thought Process Methods and Assumptions should be Clear Sound Engineering Principles Followed Well Defended Conclusions Suitable Progress Relatives to Other Groups

4 Communication Tips Calm, Well Paced, Practiced Eye Contact
No Distracting Mannerisms Do Not Read Slides Do Not Talk to Screen Good Voice Projection

5 Quality Visuals Slides for Effective Communication
Computer Generated Pictures or Figures Not Too Crowded- Not Too Spars Appropriate Size for Easy Reading Stay Within Allotted Time

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