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WELCOME Sign in & Complete the Following

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Sign in & Complete the Following"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Sign in & Complete the Following
Create your name tag, then… Start your foldable! An example is provided at each table

2 Daily 5/CAFÉ Grades 3-6 Jamie Batey- Navarro Elementary 4th Grade
Brooke Anna Roberts- Navarro Elementary 4th Grade

3 Jamie Batey Brooke Anna Roberts Introduce Yourself!
Current school and position Years taught Brooke Anna Roberts Current school and position Years taught Introduce Yourself! Current school and position Years taught

4 What to Avoid

5 Why Daily 5 is Important to Me…
Have you tried to implement guided reading and struggled? Ms. Robertson’s Story Turning point Intended to engage students without spending time on creating station.

6 What I Know Foldable- left What do you know about Daily 5? Turn-and-Talk– Think & Jot What it is Foldable- right

7 -Read to Self -Read to Someone -Listen to Reading -Work on Writing -Spelling/Word Work

8 Working Environment Explicit teaching and practicing of behaviors in the first 25 days of school - Principled habits Community Space Importance of CHOICE - We know, but don’t allow - Trust students to control learning

9 Sense of Urgency Understanding the reason for a task motivates students and keeps them persevering. Explicitly explaining why we do each one. Need to know that researchers say reading something you choose each day is the best way to become a good reader

10 Establish a Gathering Place
Stamina Not enough Time or Energy to Keep Kids on Task Teach children how to build their stamina Stay Out of The Way Establish a Gathering Place Gives their brain a break Gather after each work session Allows for movement. Good Fit Books I choose a book P urpose- Why do I want to read it? I nterst- Dows it interest me? C omprehend- Am I understanding what I am reading? K now- I know most of the words

11 Short intervals of Repeated Practice
Identify what is to be taught Set a purpose and a sense of Urgency Brainstorm behaviors desired using an I chart Model most desirable behaviors Incorrect model- followed by modeling desireable behaviors Everyone practices Stay out of their way. Quiet signal to gather Check in – How did you do? Repeat Repeat Repeat As soon as they show incorrect behavior reteach and model. Remember this is all the stamina they have to give and work to increase it.

12 Put it all together The first 25 days you explicitly teach and practice Everyone practices the same activity at the same time as you slowly start meeting with students. After 25 days release the control and allow them to start choosing

13 CAFE What do you know about CAFÉ?

14 CAFE The Literacy CAFE™ System
helps students understand and master Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary.

15 CAFE is a menu of strategies
CAFE is a menu of strategies. Posted on the classroom wall and built throughout the year.  Serves as a visual reminder of whole-class instruction as well as individual student goals.

16 The Pensieve Pensieve  is the conferring notebook that you will use to track appointments you make with students and information on your conferences.  

17 Give It a Go Make changes that work for you
Make your own forms, use teacher pay teacher or join the Interactive CAFÉ Menu Study a little each year Daily 5 for Dummies

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