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Expanding Social Horizons

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1 Expanding Social Horizons
Chapter 7 Expanding Social Horizons

2 Relatively Uninvolved or Hostile
Parental Dimensions Degree of warmth & responsiveness from Openly Warm & Affectionate to Relatively Uninvolved or Hostile Control parent exercise over child’s behavior from Over-control to No Control

3 Control continued... Over-control No Control no socialization
don’t learn decision making No Control don’t learn cultural behavioral standards get to believe they need not account for their behavior

4 Strike a Balance Set standards (Age appropriate)
Consistent enforcement Effective communication

5 Punishment Power Assertion (Spank-Humiliate) Time-out
Does it work? Short-term: maybe Long-term problems children learn to fear parents children less likely to internalize social norms copy parent’s behaviors later in their own family Time-out

6 Cultural Differences Some cultures more emphasis on warmth and affection Other cultures more emphasis on control

7 Parental Styles Authoritarian Authoritative Indulgent-Permissive

8 Family Influences Reciprocal Influence Family dynamic
Parental behavior changes as children grow Siblings 1st born starts as only child Siblings cause stress

9 Impact of Birth Order 1st born - Guinea Pigs/King Middle child
Last Born Only child

10 Divorce More harmful on school age children and adolescents
Impact same for boys and girls Since 1980, consequences associated w/ divorce have lessened; nevertheless, there are some consequences

11 Consequences of Divorce
Children lose a role model Single parent families have more difficulty economically Conflict between parents are extremely distressing to children child feels to blame child used as pawn/spy

12 More Consequences... Joint custody Blended families step parents
culturally or racially blended

13 * Abused children often become abusers.
Child Abuse - Neglect Sexual Physical Emotional * Abused children often become abusers.

14 Peers/Groups Friendships Groups casual best friend
group structure: dominance hierarchy (like military) peer pressure: nerds-brains-druggies-jocks

15 Popularity Popular: liked by many Rejected: disliked by many
Controversial: both liked + disliked Average: liked/disliked but no with same intensity Neglected: ignored Pressure on being ignored outlandish behavior/appearance probably relates to those who committed suicide killings

16 Television: Impact/influence on behaviors & attitudes
Good impact learning immediate information can help to mold for good prosocial behavior/consciousness raising Bad impact violence stereotyping consumer behavior

17 Television cont. Some efforts to positively influence cognition
Many efforts negatively influence cognition poor English poor moral content

18 Describing & Understanding Others
“We’ve got to be taught before it’s too late! Before we are six or seven or eight! To hate all the people our relatives hate!” (From Rogers and Hammerstein’s musical South Pacific)

19 Prejudice Where do we get it? What do we do about it?

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