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Can you play the guitar? Unit 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you play the guitar? Unit 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you play the guitar? Unit 1

2 Can you sing?

3 What can he do? He can sing. [sɪŋ] 华晨宇

4 She can dance. [dæns] What can she do? 小彩旗

5 What can they do? EXO F(x) They can sing and dance. [dæns] [sɪŋ]

6 He can draw /paint [drɔː] 陈晓 What can he do?

7 What can he do? He can swim. [swɪm]

8 We can speak English. [spiːk] What can we do?

9 They can play chess. [tʃes] What can they do?

10 What can he do? He can play the guitar. [gɪ'tɑː]

11 play basketball play chess
play the guitar play the piano 小结: play和球类、棋类搭配时,中间不用任何冠词 (a , an, the)。但play和西洋乐器搭配时,要用冠词 the。

12 What can you do? A: I can … and … B: I can …, but I can’t … swim dance
draw sing play the guitar

13 What can he/she do? 第三人称单数 A: He/ She can … and …. B: He/ She can …,
swim B: He/ She can …, but he/she can’t …. dance draw play the guitar sing

14 Can you…? I can swim. I can play the guitar. I can dance.

15 Can he/she…? He can draw. She can sing. He can play chess.

16 New words guitar chess sing dance swim draw speak [gɪ‘tɑː] 吉他
[tʃes] 国际象棋 [sɪŋ] 唱歌 [dæns] 跳舞 [swɪm] 游泳 [drɔː] 画画 [spiːk] 说(某种语言) guitar chess sing dance swim draw speak

17 What can these people do? Match the activities with the people.
sing ____ swim ____ dance ___ draw ___ play chess ___ 6. speak English ___ 7. play the guitar ___ e g d b c a f

18 Do you know the club? _______ club English _________ club swimming
1 3 2 _______ club English _________ club swimming 4 5 music _____ Club art _____ club chess _____ club

19 I want to join the music club.
Can you sing? No, I can’t. Can you dance? No, I can’t. Yes, I can. Can you play the guitar?

20 Look and say A: I want to join the______ club. music
B: Can you_____ or play _________? A: Yes, _______. music sing the guitar I can

21 A: I want to ____the _________club.
B: Can you_____? A: No, _______. join swimming swim I can’t

22 A: I _______________________.
B: _________________? A: Yes, I can. want to join the chess club Can you play chess

23 A: I __________________________.
B: _____________________? A: Yes, I can. want to join the English club Can you speak English

24 A: We ______________________.
B: ______________? A: Yes, ________. want to join the art club Can you draw/paint we can

25 俱乐部名称的写法: join the swimming club the dancing club the singing club the music club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball / tennis / golf club

26 A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can. 3
Listen and number the conversations. 1b A: Can you swim? B: No, I can’t. 2 A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can. 3 A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can. 1

27 辨析与拓展 join & take part in join take part in 1. join v. 参加;加入;作……成员
join the army 参军 join the Party入党 join the club 加入这个俱乐部 2. take part in 参加(群众性活动、会议等) Typical exercises 1. What club do you want to _______? 2. To keep healthy, We should ______________ school activities. join take part in

28 中考连线 1. – Can you swim? -- ____, I can. A. No B. Not C. Yes D. OK 2. Can Amy ___? A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swims 3. -- ___ he play chess? --Yes, he ____. A. Can; cans B. Does, can C. Can, can D. Can, does

29 Miss Green can’t play the piano.
【运用】 根据汉语提示按要求完成句子。 1. Nobody _____ ______(会游泳) here. 2. Can he play tennis? (作否定回答) _____, he ________. 3. I can draw well. (变为一般疑问句) ______________________________ 4. Miss Green can play the piano. (变为否定句) can swim No, can’t Can you draw well? Miss Green can’t play the piano.


31 Super interview What club do you want to join? 超级访问
I want to join the… What can you do ? I can …, but I can’t… 超级访问 Super interview Name What club can can’t Tony music club sing, dance play the guitar In my group,Tony wants to join the music club, he can sing and dance, but he can’t play the guitar….

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