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Welcome student affairs professionals

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1 Welcome student affairs professionals

2 Professional Development Opportunities

3 Mental Health First Aid sessions
January 9, 2017 & January 10, :30am-12:30pm January 25, 2017 & January 26, :30am-12:30pm January 30, 2017 & January 31, :30am-12:30pm Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training that will give staff and faculty the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Just as CPR training helps a layperson without medical training assist an individual following a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid training helps a layperson assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis For more information & registration visit: training

4 Family Success Alliance & Dispute Settlement Center: Anti-Harassment & Bystander Training – Staying Safe while responding to incidents of harassment January 9, 2017 – St. Thomas Moore 6:00pm-7:00pm January 17, 2017 – Holiday Inn 1:00pm-2:00pm January 18, 2017 – Fairview, Hillsborough 6:00pm-7:00pm January 19, 2017 – St. Paul AME Church 6:00pm-7:00pm Participants will: Understand choices when witnessing harassment Learn skills for distracting and avoiding situations so as to get victims out of the situation Learn basic listening techniques for de-escalating tense situations Learn what needs to be documented during an incident of harassment Register here:

5 Green Zone Trainings January 9, :30pm-4:30pm SASB North Room 1118 February 14, :30am-11:30am Bondurant Hall G100 March 8, :00am-2:00pm FPG Union Room 3206A-B April 6, :00am-12:00pm SASB North Room 1118 Green Zone training is for students, faculty, and staff who wish to learn more about the military affiliated student experience. For more information and to register visit:

6 The Employee Forum: Monthly Meeting
January 11, :15am Hitchcock Room, Stone Center Monthly open meeting for all campus and community members

7 UNCMLK2017: Various Events
January 15, 2017 – January 20, 2017 UNC’s MLK Jr. Celebration is part of a campus-wide initiative to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his legacy, and his ideals. Carolina began its celebrations of Dr. King’s life and legacy in 1983, long before there was a federal holiday. UNC-CH engages in honoring King’s legacy through several efforts: MLK Celebration and Committee, MLK University and Community Corporations, Day of Service, and the UNC MLK Scholarship Program for UNC juniors. For updated schedule of events visit: initiatives/mlk/

8 Student Affairs Assessment Council: Data Dialogue
January 23, :30am-12:00pm Union Room 3206 Highlighting EBI data & modeling strategies for data analysis, interpretation, and closing the loop Contact Belinda Locke with Questions:

9 Carolina Engagement Council: Annual Engagement Units Summit
February 10, :30am-2:00pm Carolina Club, George Watts Hill Alumni Center Summit Goals Learn about campus experiential education offerings for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students Share successful practices for experiential education that engage students, faculty, and staff with community partners Provide networking opportunities with other campus engagement units and community partners Registration Deadline February 3, 2017: sign up at Contact the Carolina Center for Public Service with questions:

10 The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education
8th Annual Student Success Conference: A coordinated Culture of Care for Student Success March 6, :30am-3:30pm The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education The conference will: Describe an ethos of care in higher education and explore why a culture of care increases student outcomes Explore tangible strategies for coordinating and collaborating across departments, schools, and units to cultivate a culture of care Provide space for cross-departmental synergy and collaboration toward innovative ideas for everyday work inspiring a coordinated culture of care at Carolina Keynote: Tim Hall, President, Mercy College Contact Candice Powell with questions:

11 announcements

12 Winter conference assessment
Please complete the survey for the Student Affairs Winter Conference Your feedback is important and helps shape the nature of future events. A survey will be ed to you. THANK YOU!

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