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Potency selection acute/chronic - the more acute, the lower the potency physical/emotional - the more physical the problem, the lower the potency the ‘vitality’

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Presentation on theme: "Potency selection acute/chronic - the more acute, the lower the potency physical/emotional - the more physical the problem, the lower the potency the ‘vitality’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potency selection acute/chronic - the more acute, the lower the potency physical/emotional - the more physical the problem, the lower the potency the ‘vitality’ of the patient - the lower the ‘vitality’, the lower the potency the prescribers fear of an aggravation - the greater the fear, the lower the potency the confidence of the prescriber - the lower the confidence, the lower the potency

2 Direction of cure From most important organs, to less important ones.
From inside, out. From top to bottom. Finally, with disappearance of symptoms in reverse chronological order of their appearance. That is, the most recent symptoms get better before the more long-standing ones

3 Change or no change? No Change Wrong remedy Obstacle to cure
Wrong potency Inactive remedy

4 Change or no change? Change Better Worse Mixed

5 Ideal response Amelioration of main symptom Improvement in well-being
Improvement in energy Improvement in mood

6 Any new symptoms? Progression of disease? Aggravation?
Direction of cure? Proving?

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