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Inflation Who wins & loses from inflation.

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Presentation on theme: "Inflation Who wins & loses from inflation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inflation Who wins & loses from inflation

2 Falling Purchasing Power $100 in 1958 => need $825 in 2015
Inflation calculator on my website 

3 INFLATION Economic condition of Average Prices Rising
Lowers the purchasing power of a dollar Economic numbers must be adjusted for inflation Real numbers – adjusted for inflation Nominal numbers – NOT adjusted for inflation A country sells 10 pairs of blue jeans in both 1999 & 2014. Blue Jeans cost $20 in 1999 and $40 in (assume same exact jeans) What is the change in nominal & real GDP for 2014? Nominal GDP doubles from $200 => $400 Real GDP is unchanged = 10 pairs of jeans sold

4 COLA = cost of living adjustment
Consumers notice inflation when their paychecks start to buy less! COLA = cost of living adjustment Social security benefits has an annual COLA

5 2-Types of Inflation Demand-Pull Inflation: Cost-Push Inflation
Too many dollars chasing too few goods (caused by printing money) Spending increases faster than production Demand Side Inflation Cost-Push Inflation Large increase in cost of factors of production (input prices) examples: price of oil, labor, steel, etc…. Supply Side Inflation (Occurred in late 1970’s in USA)

6 Inflation: Expected vs. Unexpected
Unexpected or sudden inflation is what really creates winners & losers in our economy In theory, when actual inflation is predictable, workers, employers, savers, lenders & borrowers have time to adjust & plan. Therefore, expected inflation is less harmful What you Expect? Actual Inflation

7 Who is Helped by inflation?
People in large amount of Debt Fixed interest rates on Mortgages, Car Loans, Student Loans Loan stays the same in Nominal Dollars Loan falls in Real Dollars

8 Who is Hurt by Unexpected Inflation?
People on a fixed income $500 a month pension +>Nominal dollars unchanged=> real income falls Minimum wage workers Wage increases usually increases lag inflation Savers Interest earned does not cover inflation rate…

9 Why Inflation is Bad? Difficult for Business to plan
price goods/services Lowers value of our currency Lowers purchasing power (real value of money) Raises long term interest rates

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