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Ensuring the Sustainability of Perovskites

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Presentation on theme: "Ensuring the Sustainability of Perovskites"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensuring the Sustainability of Perovskites
Lydon Kersting ‘18

2 Perovskites Atoms in octahedra, connected at corners in 3 directions Methyl ammonium lead triiodide (CH3NH3PbI3) Pros Cons Inexpensive Thin High efficiency for renewables 15-20% Can be developed at lower temperatures Difficult to mass-produce Sensitive to variety of environmental factors Can leach lead Require thick, expensive protective layers

3 Perovskites at Princeton
Myneni Lab, Loo Lab, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) Project Aim: study how/why perovskite breaks down

4 Experiment 1 Hypothesis: we do not expect a perovskite to break down at room temperature over 2 weeks if it is not exposed to: Light Oxygen Water Excessive heat

5 Experiment 2 Hypothesis: we do not expect a perovskite to break down at room temperature over 1 week if it is exposed to 13 hours of artificial light but not exposed to: Oxygen Water Excessive heat

6 Method Perovskite spin coated & annealed by Loo Lab in N2 glovebox (< 1 ppm O2, H2O)

7 Transferred to aluminum foil covered chamber filled with N2

8 4 2Theta/Omega XRD scans daily

9 Data/Results No scan variation = no degradation & no reaction

10 Continuation of Project- Fall 2015
Variation of humidity Humidity regulator Studying behavior of different morphologies Varied deposition method

11 Questions?

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