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Fast monitoring of ROC analog currents

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1 Fast monitoring of ROC analog currents
Kai Schweda (GSI/ U Heidelberg) Venelin Angelov , Steffen Brucker, Gunnar Föhner, Esteban Rubio, Frank Schumacher, Stephan Siebig 14-Sep-2016

2 Current-peak monitoring for TRD in CR4
Run 1, occasionally major trips in gaseous detectors Take snapshot of current peaks 4096 time-bins Readout rate up to 1 MhHz 144 hv channels (out of 521) Feb 2016, installed during TS1 No measurable noise Adapt for TPC upgrade Continuous readout at 1kHz ISEG PS Current peak detection system

3 Current sense (front end FE) board
x8 channels leakage current RISO 8x SPI EXT FLASH HV+ HV LV FPGA optional 4Mx 1|16 ISO7841DWW 10-15 mW Input protection, Amplifier, Filter, Digitizer Delta-Sigma ADC AD7124-4 SPI LVDS TX SPI LVDS 3 LVDS RX VCC VReg HV- BLVDS CLK & SYNC ~12 V 50 Hz VREF Ref FPGA firmware update via UART Dual configuration (built in and external flash) User flash memory in FPGA Readout rate up to 1 MHz Digital isolators and Trafo specified for continuous usage at 2.8 kV. Measure current by voltage at shunt resistor Insulate HV from LV part ISO7841 Minimize 50Hz noise from LV power transformer/coils Filter 30kHz noise from HV generator analogue filter

4 Man-power at PI Heidelberg
Front end card Venelin Angelov (engineer/developer, head) Steffen Brucker (developer/procurement) Gunnar Föhner (engineer) Backplane Stephan Siebig (electrician/assembly) Controller card Esteban Rubio (engineer/developer) Mechanical construction, power supply Frank Schumacher (electrician/assembly)

5 Collaboration with other institutes
HD development and assembly FRA performance in lab w/ ion sources UNAM integration into data stream via elink to DAQ GBTX performance tests in HD, FRA and PS/SPS testbeam Zagreb performance tests in HD, FRA and PS/SPS testbeam (?)

6 Schedule Total cost 20k Euro
Now evaluation boards in operation key components under scrutiny (noise, long-term stability) - Digital Isolator ISO Delta-Sigma ADC AD Lattice XO2 FPGA Feb channel-prototype card with USB readout/laptop noise tests in FRA lab with ion sources May 2017 SPS/PS teastbeam with full stack P2 installation in CR4 with individual GEM chambers in pit Jul 2017 final design of cards procurement of components hv supply: choose vendor, ISEG vs CAEN Dec 2017 full system assembled and ready for installation in CR4

7 backup

8 Current sense (front end FE) board – (2) FPGA
debug port 2 Mb/s backplane CLK tx rx Addr[14:0] Addr[14:0] Flash Memory Dat[7:0] Dat[7:0] Config backplane rx UART Addr[6:0] Dat[7:0] rd DAC rd 2 Mb/s Wishbone rd/wr wr tx wr 2 Mb/s run/config SCLK ADC_data ADC Data Formatting CSn ADC SPI Adc_valid Digital isolators Serializer tx backplane SDO DAC 8 SDI 8 SPI 8|12 channels x 32 bits/sample = 256|384 bits/sample 1 kS => 256|384 kbits/s In config/debug mode: UART with 2 Mbits/s Event buffer for debugging (8|12 channels x 512 samples x 32 bits) More (8k) with external RAM installed In run mode: send permanently very small header and ADC data from one sample, 8 channels, then send idle Lattice XO2 Family (TQFP144, 8k LE and 240 kBits RAM) used in ALICE TRD HV current monitoring

9 Current sense front end (FE) board (3)

10 Control board -6V unregulated Trenz Electronic TE0720 (250 Eur)
backplane 100 KSamples x 32-Bits x 8 channels/FE = 25,6 Mbps x 9 FE = 230,4 Mbps = 28,8 MBps +5V Power Regulator I, T mon +6V unregulated PL firmware update via USB or Ethernet. Zynq running with Linux -5V Power Regulator I, T mon -6V unregulated Trenz Electronic TE0720 (250 Eur) ADC Temp, Humidity USB connector USB2 Xilinx Zynq LVDS_TX 9 DDR3 ARM 9 dual core Programable Logic 9 LVDS_RX 2 RJ45 connector 1Gb Eth LVDS_CLK uSD connector USD card UART OSC LCD DISPLAY 1 x RJ45 with LVDS I/O 2 x LEMO TTL/NIM I/O Shutdown 12V AC I2C ADC: Imon, Tmon Tsensor 1 x LEMO SYS_CLK 1 x LEMO SYNC 1 x RJ45 with SLVDS E-Link ( 3 Diff pairs) 10

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