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Rivers (fluvial), Sea (waves), Glaciers, Wind

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1 Rivers (fluvial), Sea (waves), Glaciers, Wind
Weathering Weathering is the breakdown of rock “in situ” (where it is) Erosion involves taking away and further breaking down rock as it moves. There are four main agents of erosion Rivers (fluvial), Sea (waves), Glaciers, Wind Task: Use this presentation as a base to add your own text and diagrams when asked for. When you have finished upload it to a share site such as slideshare or authorstream, get the embed code and place it in your eportfolio.

2 Types of Weathering Chemical Biotic Physical Freeze-Thaw
Exfoliation (onion-skin) Plant roots Animals burrowing Carbonation oxidation

3 Freeze-Thaw Explanation: Freeze-thaw weathering can also be called frost shattering. Water may get into a crack in a rock and freeze. As the water turns into ice it expands and causes the crack to open a little. When it thaws the ice melts and changes back to water. Repeated freezing and thawing weakens the rock and splits it into jagged pieces.














17 Exfoliation (Onion skin)
Description and Explanation: Exfoliation or 'onion skin' weathering occurs mainly in granitic rocks from temperature differences in the surface and subsurface due to heat, cold, and sunlight. The temperature differences can cause minute cracking which is further attacked by mechanical and chemical weathering, and the outer skin in shed, giving the rock body a rounded look.

18 Mechanical weathering
is the breakdown of rock into smaller particles due to factors such as freezing and thawing release of pressure water absorption salt crystal formation landmass uplift plant root growth actions of animals And abrasion

19 Biological Biological weathering is caused by activities of living organisms - for example, the growth of roots or the burrowing of animals. Tree roots are probably the most occurring, but can often be by animals.Its where animals or roots breaks the rock apart.

20 Chemical weathering is the dissolution, carbonation, or oxidation of rock and mineral by chemical means only, mostly from reactions with water or the acids contained in rainwater. Other materials are formed in the process.

21 Carbonation – Limestone areas
CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3 carbon dioxide water carbonic acid CaCO3 Ca(HCO3)2 calcium carbonate calcium bicarbonate Describe and explain the situation here: Carbonic acid, formed from rainwater and carbon dioxide, will react with calcium carbonate in limestone to form calcium bicarbonate. Since calcium bicarbonate is soluble in water, the limestone effectively gets weathered when carbonation occurs.

22 Climate and Weathering
Research the average annual temperature and precipitation of Barbados. Note what it is here and describe what type of weathering occurs here.

23 Next We will be looking at the limestone landscape of Barbados and comparing it to other limestone landscapes worldwide. What is the role of limestone in shaping some of the features we have Caves, underground streams, gulleys, Humans and the limestone environment

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