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Biomes Travel Brochure

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1 Biomes Travel Brochure
Biomes of the World – Travel Brochure Project Mrs. Washington 7th Grade Science

2 Objective: Create a brochure for a biome
Objective: Create a brochure for a biome. Research and identify environmental characteristics such as the plants, animals, climate, and adaptations. You are a travel agent and you MUST attract visitors to your biome. You will need to use colorful pictures and graphics. You must include all of the features in your brochure and it must be presented in a book form much like a REAL travel guide. You must follow the RUBRIC!

3 Rubric/Include the following parts…
Animals List three specific native animals that live there Discuss how each animal is adapted to live there Plants List three specific native species that live there Discuss how each plant is adapted to live there Warnings What are some threats to the biome? Are there any endangered species? Cover Advertise your biome’s recreational activities! Describe the landscape and features Biome Location Where is it? Show a MAP with labels! List abiotic factors Weather Report Average Precipitation Average Temperature Highs and Lows of precipitation and temperature Suggest supplies that tourists would need to make their trip fun and enjoyable!

4 SUMMARY You will write a paragraph (5-8 sentences minimum) discussing how this biome is important to the world! Ideas: Does the biome contribute to the economy (make money for) of its location? Are there historical artifacts i.e. the coliseum, in the biome? Is the biome a “real” tourist location? Sources: Must have at least three sources List titles of books and author List all internet sites used You only have to cite URL

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