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MapAction PowerPoint Maps: Yemen

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1 MapAction PowerPoint Maps: Yemen
Introduction The aim of this PowerPoint pack to provide you with some simple maps so that you can add your own data and information to them and use in presentations or reports. The maps are saved to the background so that your write or draw over them without touching the map itself. The PowerPoint pack provides all the tools that you would need to produce including symbols, callout boxes, legends and labels. All you need to do is copy and paste. How to guide Select the map you want to use. Add your data In the Labels and Symbology section there are ready made symbols, labels and callout boxes that can be cut and pasted onto your map. With the callout boxes, double click on them and begin typing your information.

2 Tropical Cyclone Chapala
MAP101 Governorate capital This map shows the administration boundaries at Governorate and District level. Only the Governorate areas on the south coast are labelled. The map also shows the major settlements and the main roads of Yemen. Primary roads Governorates Districts Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

3 Tropical Cyclone Chapala
MAP102 Governorate capital This map shows the administration boundaries at Governorate and District level. Only the Governorate areas on the south coast are labelled. The map also shows the major settlements of Yemen. Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala Governorates Districts Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

4 Tropical Cyclone Chapala - Socotra
MAP103 Settlement This map shows the administration boundaries at District level. The map also shows the major settlements and the main roads of Socotra. Primary roads Governorates Districts Primary roads Governorates Districts Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala - Socotra Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

5 Tropical Cyclone Chapala
Governorate capital This map shows the administration boundaries at Governorate and District level for the South East coast of Yemen. Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala Governorates Districts Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

6 Tropical Cyclone Chapala
Governorate capital This map shows the administration boundaries at Governorate and District level. Only the Governorate areas on the south coast are labelled. The map also shows the major settlements and the main roads of Yemen. Primary roads Governorates Districts Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

7 Tropical Cyclone Chapala
Governorate capital This map shows the administration boundaries at Governorate and District level. Only the Governorate areas on the south coast are labelled. The map also shows the major settlements and the main roads of Yemen. Primary roads Governorates Districts Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

8 Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala – NFI Transportation
Total Number of Trucks, Total load - Metric Tonnes (MT) and their Status (12 November) Responder No. of Trucks MT Dispatched Delivered WHO / IOM / UNHCR / UNICEF 32 296.62 18 5 SANA’A - Destination: Al Mahara Org No MT Delivered WHO 1 3.3 SANA’A – Destination: Shabwa Org No MT Loaded WHO 2 9.6 SANA’A – Destination Al Mukalla Org No MT Loaded UNHCR 5 168.4 WHO 1 14.9 SANA’A - Destination: Aden Org No MT Loaded UNHCR 1 5.52 ADEN - Destination: Al Mukalla Org No MT Sent Delivered UNHCR 19 64 15 4 UNICEF 1 ADEN – Destination: Shabwa Org No MT Sent IOM 2 3.2 UNICEF  ? 12.7 - Shoqra to Ahwer Road impassable for big trucks 13 bridges damaged Small trucks (20 MT) only Governorate capital This map shows Non Food Item (NFI) planned and current transportation at Governorate level. Primary roads Governorates Districts Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala – NFI Transportation Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD

9 Tropical Cyclone Chapala – HEB Distribution
Mayfa’a Date No.* HEB (MT) 14/11/2015 320 0.384 16/11/2015 966 1.1592 Ghayl Ba Wazir (Ghail Bawazeer) Date No.* HEB (MT) 07/11/2015 800 0.96 Al Mukallah Date No.* HEB( MT) 03/11/2015 854 1.0248 04/11/2015 1,210 1.452 05/11/2015 695 0.834 08/11/2015 500 0.6 Brom Mayfa (Brom) Date No.* HEB (MT) 04/11/2015 750 0.9 05/11/2015 505 0.606 06/11/2015 245 0.294 11/11/2015 14/11/2015 850 1.02 16/11/2015 550 0.66 Rudum (Rodoum) Date No.* HEB (MT) 06/11/2015 692 0.8304 07/11/2015 458 0.5496 11/11/2015 850 1.02 14/11/2015 129 0.1548 16/11/2015 3423 4.1076 Total (Beneficiaries) 14,547 Total (Metric Tonnes) 17.46 This map shows High Energy Biscuit (HEB) distribution at District level. FSAC Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala – HEB Distribution Distribution figures from Food Security + Agriculture Cluster Data sources: Situational: OCHA Boundaries: COD-FOD Transport: COD-FOD * Number of beneficiaries

10 Wash Cluster FSA Cluster Shelter Cluster Non Food Item
Mayfa’a Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached Water trucking 49,000 lts / day 6,000 ppl. HEB Distribution 3.08 MT 1,286 NFI kits and tents (*also Rodoum) *6,984 (incl 3,583 females) Broum and Hajir Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached HEB Distribution 4.38 MT 3,650 NFI kits and tents 5,288 (2,426 females) Al Masilah and Sayhut Cluster Activity Pop Reached NFI kits and tents 1,910 (incl 953 females) Ghail Bawazeer Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached HEB Distribution 0.96 MT 800 Al Mukalla Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached HEB Distribution 3.9 MT 3, 259 NFIs arriving from Aden to Al Mukalla 64 MT NFIs arriving from Sana’a to Al Mukalla 135 MT Rudum (Rodoum) Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached HEB Distribution 6.66 MT 5,435 NFI kits + tents *See Mayfa’a for joint pop figures Socotra – Planned Activity: NFIs to be airlifted from Nairobi (48 MT) Medical supplies to be airlifted (4.1 MT) Mosquito nets to be distributed (20,000) IOM Medical Team to arrive Zinjubar Cluster Activity Amount Pop Reached Water trucking 4,000 lts/day 553 Wash Cluster FSA Cluster Shelter Cluster Non Food Item Health Cluster – activity not mapped

11 Labels and Symbology General Symbols OCHA Symbols Callout Boxes

12 OCHA Symbols Cluster Affected Population Children Dead Injured Missing
Agriculture CCCM Coordination Early Recovery Education Emergency Shelter Emergency Telecommunications Food Security Health Logistics Nutrition Protection WASH Disaster Cold Wave Cyclone Hurricane Typhoon Drought Earthquake Epidemic Fire Flash Flood Flood Heat Wave Insect Infestation Landslide Mudslide Snow Avalanche Storm Storm Surge Tornado Tsunami Volcanic Eruption Affected Population Children Dead Injured Missing Damage Affected Destroyed Partially Destroyed Infrastructure Airport Airport Civil Airport Military Bridge Buddhism Temple Church Community Building Food Warehouse Storage Government Office Helipad Hindu Temple Mosque Police Station Road School Seaport Tunnel

13 OCHA Symbols Continue Health Facilities Clinic Health Post Hospital
Psychological Support Physical Closure Checkpoint Cross Border Earthmound Military Gate Observation Tower Road Barrier Road Block Road Gate Trench Armed Troop Child Combatant National Army Rebel Army Mine and UXO Presence Dangerous Areas Mine UXO Presence Mined Areas UXO Spots Water and Sanitation Borehole Latrine Potable Water Source Spring Water Submersible Pump Tapstand Water Sources Well Relief Materials Blanket Bottle of Water Bucket Jerry Can Clothing Food Kitchen Sets Matress Medical Supply Medicine Mosquito Net Non Food Item Plastic Sheeting Relief Goods Stove Tarpauline Tent Telecommunications Fax Internet Mobile Phone Radio Camp Fixed IDP Refugee Camp Refugee Registration Temporary Transition Sites Security Arrest Detention Abduction Assault Attack Forced Entry Office Occupation Harassment and Intimidation Hijacking Murder Robbery Threat

14 Legend Details Map Title Map Title Example Location: Subject Date
Haiti: Department Reference Map Map Summary Map Summary Example The map summary (also Termed the abstract) is a block of descriptive text that provides a useful guide to a user whether or not they are looking at the map itself, a thumbnail or a non-graphical list of map products. The map summary (also termed the abstract) is a block of descriptive text that provides a useful guide to a user whether or not they are looking at the map itself, a thumbnail or a non-graphical list of map products. For example: The map background shows major settlements and Department boundaries. Additional Metadata Tags Additional Metadata Tags Examples Creation Date/ Time: Creation Date/ Time: / 1200 Map Reference Number: Map Reference Number: ABC123 Glide Number: Glide Number: Data Sources: Data Sources:

15 Specific Legends Physical Map Population Map Transport Map
Settlements Map

16 Logos Paste your logos here to use in the future

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