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Civil Rights Expands for other Minority and Immigrant Groups.

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1 Civil Rights Expands for other Minority and Immigrant Groups.
Civil Rights Day 3 Civil Rights Expands for other Minority and Immigrant Groups.

2 Today’s Objectives Compare and contrast the goals and objectives of other minority and immigrant groups to those of the Civil Rights Movement led predominantly by African-Americans. Cite and analyze evidence of the political, economic, and social changes in the United States that expanded democracy for other minority and immigrant groups.

3 Civil Rights movement inspires other groups to fight for their rights

4 Other groups pushing for their rights during the Civil Rights Era
Native Americans Women Disabled Americans Latin American Farm Workers

5 Women’s Rights in the 20th Century
(WWII) 1966 NOW founded 1972 Title IX 19th Amendment- Women’s suffrage Women enter manufacturing jobs

6 Women’s Rights Equal Pay Act of 1963
No Differentials in Wages based on Sex There should be equal pay for equal work. This will be a big theme for Betty Friedan “Feminine Mystique” and the Women’s Liberation Movement.

7 Women’s Rights during the 1960s and 1970s (the feminist movement)
NOW (National Organization for Women) Title IX Founded in 1966 to advocate for women’s rights Women’s groups energized by Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned discrimination based on skin color Title IX prohibits discrimination based on gender Most well known impact has been on funding for women’s athletics

8 American Indian Movement
American policy on Native Americans during Westward Expansion Assimilation (government tried to “Americanize” their culture) Reservations Indian Wars (fighting between Native tribes and US military) Killing of the buffalo (Wal-Mart to the Native Americans)

9 Remember… Navajo code talkers
US military uses Navajo code talkers during WWII to speak their own language and prevent Japanese soldiers from intercepting their messages

10 The intentional destruction of the Native American culture leads to the demand for more rights for Native Americans, who now experience problems of high poverty. AIM (American Indian Movement-fights for public policies that protects Native Americans. In 1973 AIM occupies wounded knee again in a violent protest.

11 Americans with disabilities
Disabled Americans face discrimination in society: Harder to get jobs Little accessibility for people with wheelchairs, the blind, or the deaf Fewer opportunities in athletics

12 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Offers similar rights to disabled Americans as Civil Rights of 1964 did to African Americans Cannot discriminate in hiring, must provide access to public places (like schools, public buildings, dining, recreation, transportation services)

13 Latino Farm Workers Latino farm workers in the western states face terrible pay and bad working conditions (long hours, hard labor) What is the name for a group of workers that gathers together to fight for their collective rights? Union AKA labor union, organized labor

14 Cesar Chavez Leader of the fight to advocate for Latino workers’ rights Used union tactics (boycotting, protests, strikes) Co-founder of United Farm Workers 1962 Slogan: “Si se puede” (Yes, it is possible)

15 Recap of Objectives Compare the goals and objectives of other minority and immigrant groups to those of the Civil Rights Movement led predominantly by African-Americans. Women: Native Americans: Americans with Disabilities: Latino Farm Workers:

16 Recap of Objectives Cite evidence of the political, economic, and social changes in the United States that expanded democracy for other minority and immigrant groups. Political: Economic: Social:

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