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Settlement Agreement “The emphasis of this Agreement is …restoration and recovery of wild, indigenous salmon runs, including ESA-listed and unlisted.

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Presentation on theme: "Settlement Agreement “The emphasis of this Agreement is …restoration and recovery of wild, indigenous salmon runs, including ESA-listed and unlisted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Consistency with Recovery and Restoration of Indigenous Salmon Runs

2 Settlement Agreement 6.1.1 “The emphasis of this Agreement is …restoration and recovery of wild, indigenous salmon runs, including ESA-listed and unlisted stocks, to harvestable levels.” “Maintenance of a recreational fishery is important… consistent with the priority objective to maximize the recovery of wild indigenous salmonid stock.”

3 Proposed Sources ESA (HGMP standards)
Lower Columbia River Salmon Recovery Plan (LCRSRP) Addresses viability goals in the ESA context HSRG Principles and Standards Addresses the benefits and risks of hatchery programs to wild populations

4 The LCRSRP-Goals Defines the Role of Each Population to Recovery of the ESU in terms of Population Designations: Primary, Contributing, or Stabilizing Identified Minimum Viability Goals for Each Population Sets forth an “all H” Approach and Specifies the Percent Improvement Required for Each Population

5 LCSRP Recovery Goals

6 HSRG Standards Population Designation HSRG Standards
Segregated Hatchery Integrated Hatchery Primary pHOS < 5% PNI > 0.67 pHOS less than the smaller of pNOB/2 and 30% Contributing pHOS < 10% PNI >0.5 pHOS less than the smaller of pNOB and 30% Stabilizing pHOS no higher than current levels pHOS = proportion Hatchery Origin Spawners pNOB = proportion Natural Origin hatchery Brood PNI = pNOB/(pNOB+pHOS)

7 HSRG Standards Population Designation pHOS pNOB PNI L. Cow. Fall Chin,
Contributing <30% >30% > 0.50 L. Cow. Win. Sthd L. Cow. Coho Primary <10% >20% > 0.67 Up. Cow. Fall Chin. Stabilizing -- Up. Cow. Sp. Chin. >60% >0.67 Up. Cow. Win. Sthd Up. Cow. Coho Cispus Sp. Chin. Cispus Win. Sthd Cispus Coho Tilton Sp. Chin. Tilton Win. Sthd >0.50 Tilton Coho

8 Recommendation Design and Evaluate Cowlitz Hatchery Programs based on their alignment and consistency with: Salmon recovery goals Population designations Viability Goals, including Abundance HSRG Standards based on population designations Hatchery influence on natural spawning (pHOS, PNI)

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